Headlight Studs Removal!

Ok, i was replacing my headlights, but when taking out the old ones, and the news ones at the junkyard. The studs or the threads that bolt into the fender, broke off due to rust. Now how do i get the studs out of the headlight? Ive tried vice’s wd40, tried heating it up wd40 and vice grips, tried prying them out…

Now i have turned to you guys for assistance.

Circled in pink, or whatever is the “studs” i need to get out.


drillem out with a small bit and usally you can pull them out with the bit

try heating it with an AR12 torch and cool the stud with some liquide bezine… that should do er

so almost time for that meet if this weather keeps up yah hooo where doing the rippers right?

warm it up with a cigerette lighter for 20 seconds and grab that bitch with some vise grips and gently twist her out or pull. assuming there is a mm or 2

its a knurled stud, no threads

or use a drill to heat them up

either heat it up more, use better vise grips, they have to be genuine vise-grips not “locking pliers”. OR grind it flush and drill it out.

back in the day they made these things called “easy outs” they take things out with ease… and there about a buck 50 at princess