need some help

hey i recently had to take my exhaust header off of my car to fix the exhaust and i broke a stud bolt off it is flush with the block so i have nothing to grab on to take it out anyone got anyideas or want to help let me know thanks

^ +1 lol

I gotta get me one of those soon time incase. Thanks for reminding me :stuck_out_tongue:

lol yea definitely good to have one around, get the stud out OP?

yeah it should work you drill a small hole in the stud then stick that into it. its like a backwards screw as you spin the stud out it gets tighter. but not sure it it will handle the torque you need to pull the stud out. If it works let me know. I think something like this is a must have for every and any 240 owner.

Hm…depending on the head material you could just weld a bolt to it and just use the bold head to take it off… thats worked in the past
You need too much torque or i’d say chisel a scredriver into it with a hammer than just twist the screwdriver. Thats better for low torque applications lol.
