I am on BC/BS of WNY and I pay $84 a month for single 23 year old male with 25/40 visits and $10/$30/$50 RX coverage.


I think I pay that each pay period. Info?

they are not giving us the money they are just not taxing it? ( well this is what i was told)

Honestly, how many people are gonna see a $5,000 check and decide to NOT have health insurance becuase they would rather blow the money on something.

but they have to use it on paying health ins…the money is made for people that dont have a employer that offers ins…shitty thing is if this happens employers will take your check and put it to what you would have to pay and you still will pay a monthly payment

Just changed mine to Blue Cross Aqua. 25 Per week with dental. Work covers the rest.


just go with it


Dad pays ~$12,000 a year, for our family.

I just learned that I can get better pricing at a small, local pharmacy than the negotiated price from BCBS.
WTF is with that?
I can get a better price than BCBS on precriptions?!?
Gee I wonder why our system is f’ed up. lol(not really funny)

My prescriptoin coverage has been OK for generics…
I have had a few $1 fills.
But my Advair is $50/month

My Joe Pay plan just cost me another $350 to get the kiddies their shots. :frowning:

true story… the health ins… will make them charge what is called a “filling fee”…

you can say how much for RX “x” with out my ins and they will say the price… but remember that they can charge you wnat they want then…

and also if you have health issues and see dif docs tell them what you are on… when you go threw your ins they check all your RX to make sure you dont die from mixing drugs…( doc’s really dont know what they are filling now days)

next year… im up to 150 a month now. :weak:

We used to get it for free but the tax payers wanted us to start contributing. So now I pay 10% for my BC plan. However, now my wife gets a $3k buyout for not taking her insurance and the district puts in $1k each year into a flex account for us. So I am much better off paying the 10% and getting an extra $4k from the district.