Hello 8.75% sales tax

Awesome, just what we all needed. :cjerk:

remember… he’s a republican (this is why i :heart: him)

Uh, anyone know where AWDrifter lives? Someone should probably stop by and check up on him, make sure he didn’t blow a blood vessel or something. :lol:

I sat there watching the election results Tuesday night and knew by 11pm that the sales tax was on it’s way up.

And yeah, the extra .5 won’t mean much to your day to day purchases. But when you lose your job because your company moves out of the area because of our rediculous taxes, and you realize there aren’t anymore jobs because no company wants to move here, then it will REALLY hurt your wallet. If our tax rate was at 5% and they absolutely needed the .5, I’d feel differently. But we’re already the highest taxes state in the country. Too many people take that “It’s the principle only” attitude and don’t demand change.

I guess we did get change though. The stupid lemmings watched liberal CNN and said “demcrats good, republicans bad” then went to the polls and voted out the people who had voted down the tax increase.:bloated: Had we switched the majority the other way people like Dr. Weinstein would have had a chance at getting their reform measures passed instead of sent to committee (politic speak for the trash can).

This is the exact reason I’m a Republican. It’s why I put up with my parties bullshit about religion and occasional shady dealings. I simply don’t believe you can tax people to help the lower/middle class. People bitch that there were all these tax cuts for the rich and big corporations… GOOD. They are the ones who run this country. They own the businesses where all us middle class people work. John Kerry was going to get me a bigger tax cut. Whoopdeefuckingdo. Lets say it really is huge, and I end up with a $2000 check. Sure, it’s cool, maybe I blow it on stupid shit, maybe I invest it. But that $2000 came at the expense of the tax cuts companies are getting, and in 6 months I find myself out of a job. But hey, democrats are in charge so now I can just live on public assistance, and they’ll raise the taxes on “the rich” some more so they can pay us all to be unemployed.

I just want to stand up and scream WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!

Well, first of all, we still live in WNY… right?
Secondly, These are elected officials, right?

Good job WNY.


You do realize that the 10th and decisive vote for the increase was cast by Steve McCarville, Republican Orchard Park right?

So don’t blame it all on one party.

My biggest question is this. “WHERE IS ALL THE FUCKING MONEY GOING?!?!!”

They closed libraries, DMV’s and so many more county ran establishments but this place is still fucking broke!! I don’t get it! Giambra is to blame and so are a shitload of other people.

We’re one of the highest taxed counties in the nation and this place is a run down hole!! WHERE IS THE FUCKING MONEY GOING!! That’s all I want to know…

And you do realize that now that the legislature is Democrat controlled the Republicans have 0 chance of getting any cuts from Erie County government right? McCarville switched his vote because he didn’t want to see a 60% property tax increase and knew that the “revolt” died election night.

The elected officials pockets? Their retirement funds? Their pet projects? Maybe they like to roll around in it and sleep on it…?

My point being that: Until there is something decisive done, no one will ever know. The information & paper trail (as it were) will stay behind closed doors.

Too big government
Terrible union contracts
Massive pension obligations (due to the union contracts)
Huge public assistance programs
And the beast that’s always hungry, Medicaid.

NYS spends more on Medicaid than California and Texas COMBINED. I know I’ve stated that before, but please, just read it out loud so it sinks in. Texas has 22 million people, and California has 35 million. So together they have 57 million citizens, but spend less on Medicaid than NY does on our 19 million people!?!?!?

F’ing word… I’d like to know this myself

I was talking with one of the medicaid coordinators where I work (The McGuire Group, we run a bunch of nursing homes) and she thinks the biggest reason why medicaid is out of control in this state is because of fraud. I’ll give you an example. Some of the people cashing their medicaid check would have 2 or 3 of them because they were registered on 3 different addresses. No one in the medicaid office for NYS would cross reference to see if that was the case and limit that person to only 1 check. I am sure there are plenty more examples but you get the idea.

That’s what happens when you put Democrats in office, free money for the lazy and sneaky poor people.

You actually made me laugh in my fit of anger.:tup: :slight_smile:

I can only assume the money is getting blown on bullshit. Remember when people found out Giambra had a personal driver making $80k a year? What makes you need a driver in Buffalo? Give him a fucking Taurus and a parking spot. Wasn’t the 8.25% tax and the control board supposed to solve this problem 6 months ago? And now their broke? Why do they still have jobs?

stfu, mr i dont have a job. you’re part of the problem :slight_smile:

He’s got a job, someone has to keep Don B inline…

I don’t have that job anymore because the company I used to work for has to compete and bid for jobs with the rest of the geospatial industry which is mostly outsourced to India (cheap labor).

Please ban me from this thread so I don’t blow a blood vessel.


This negative energy is hurting my immune system and we all know cold and flu season is coming up quick.

OT: mike check your PM’s

The main reason were soo poor on our side of the state is duh…NYC! Almost all our taxes go twards them bastards.

you’re part of the problem :slight_smile:
