geospatial, ha… that’s not even a word. you’re just making shit up
lol ill roll by his house to se eif its burned down yet
As long as he doesn’t smash the EVO, it’s all good.
Oh man, this .5% sales tax increase is really going to hurt my wallet…I mean at the end of the year, after I spend $100,000 locally it’s going to cost me an extra $500…fuck man…that’s just soooo much money
spare me…
now…let’s just assume this works and it balances the budget…that’s not worth an extra $50 to you?
oh and FYI jay…if it wasn’t for your party’s BS religious zelots, shady dealings, and outright lies…people everywhere wouldn’t have voted republicans out. Your party is in the fucking shitter b/c of the shit you put up with so you can get lower taxes.
Republicans and democrats are idiots.
I’m glad I moved to the only area NYS cares about.
Good mentality… you should be Giambras next $80K driver… lets go blame someone else.
With the ridiculous amount of businesses in NYC they dont need pathetic upstate taxes to keep rolling. NYC and the 5 boroughs would survive on its own if the rest of fucking NY burned to the ground… not a bad idea
Mismanagement due to INCOMPETENCE, corruption, and greed is the reason Erie county is where it is financially.
They are too fucking stupid to do anything right. Since I moved here I have seen Erie county fuck up opportunity after opportunity. The casino… bridge… waterfront… ect.
Taxes are the reason more then half the industry that used to be in Buffalo MOVED. Less industry, less jobs, less tax revenue for the county… REPEAT 100 fucking times over til all the big businesses are gone… and the residents are the only ones supporting this dickless administration and their fat fucking pork chop asses.
Buffalo sucks, it really does… I know there are worst places but this place has potential. Thats the killer. Potential that iswasted by stupid motherfuckiers in government. They are slowly destroying this area… damaging to the point where the hole will not worth trying to recover from.
The cops should organize a group that finds these fat fucks in a dark alley and kicks the shit out of them on a weekly basis
Im moving the fuck out of here early next year anyway
Paying for incompetence is NEVER worth it.
Now you are asking if I will pay even more for that same incompetence?
Get a clue.
Edit: Is it ok to steal if you only do it a penny at a time?
run for office if you think you can fix it and convince people that you’re right. Go get a copy of the ECC budget and come up with a plan. Until then, stfu. The only way you’re going to get your way is by being pro-active about it. Help run campaigns, help do massive fund raising for people you believe in so they have a real chance at winning, and if you can’t find any RUN FOR OFFICE yourself.
Don’t bother, he didn’t even bother reading the whole thread. He just likes to get up on his soapbox (to be eye to eye with the rest of us) and spout more Democrat crap.
i hate it here
Why bother, the people of this area just proved they’re too stupid to elect anyone that might bring change.
"The sales tax will rise next year from 8.25 to 8.75%. That’s the second increase in five months.
The property tax will go up 13.5%. Lawmakers said the increase would have been about 60% without the sales tax increase. "
that’s pretty much the entire article…
Can you show me facts and figures, a balanced budget, and keeping services alive w/o a tax increase?
I’m not saying there isn’t a way to do it, I’m sure there is…I’m not saying a tax increase is the BEST and ONLY way…it might be stupid, useless and all those other great negative words…but it’s sure not hurting anyone’s pocketbook. Most people are going to lose more loose change in a year, than they will be paying in extra sales tax. So get a better argument.
B/c shouting from the sidelines is about as useful as being silent. So if that’s all you’re willing to do, save everyone the time of reading/listening to you. If you want to cause a change in this county/country/state you have to get out and make it happen…Look at the upset that happened in Amherst, so don’t even say the little guy can’t take steps in politics.
Run for state senate, run for anything, fuck run for congress and get your name and ideas out there maybe people will like them…get into the game or get the fuck out of the way.
I love it when you say things like stfu, it just shows people who you are.
What does me running for office have to do with whether I am right or not?
I am not running for office and I am right.
Saying stfu is not proving me wrong.
Nice try though, I would expect nothing less from you.
The Buffalo Niagara Partnership presented a plan with a ton of savings. The current legislature (and even more so with the new one coming in) didn’t care to try implementing any of it.
Actually, shouting from the sidelines can do a lot if you get people shouting with you. I’m not a politician, I’m a software engineer. I’m not going to quit my job just because you think the only way to bring about change is to run for office.
Being right and doing nothing about it is worse than being wrong and being in charge. If you’re right, do something about it, come up with a plan…do something. People bitch and moan about erie country republicans and democrats, then sit back do nothing and hope someone comes along who has a solution.
No shouting from the sidelines can’t do shit. Unless you get some people together form a group (or join a group) and raise some fucking money and make a difference. 2 things change politics in america money and GREAT ideas…there haven’t been any GREAT ideas in a while, so money and some pretty good ones are what gets it done now adays (although, tons of money and bad ideas get it done also) And if you tried this, good for you, sucks you lost, try harder. Who said anything about quitting a job? You don’t have to quit your job to run for office, but you do make a point that trying to REALLY make a difference isn’t worth actually risking anything super important to you.
I think general budget politics work the way I saw them work at UB when they allocated funds for each department. Basically it worked like this. NO department would ever say they needed less money then the year before. Even if the Information Technology dept spent half of what they did in the years prior; admitting you needed less money gives the administration the impression that your actual need is LESS then what was thought. By this thinking they automatically reduce the amount they are WILLING to give you in the future. The following year the department may need 75% of the old figure but they WONT get it because their cap had been reduced. That extra budget money may have been allocated somewhere else and is no longer available.
By this thinking no department is willing to reduce their budget allowance…weather they need it or not. They spend extra money on stupid shit that they may not require JUST to keep their spending THE SAME and their allowance high.
This way the overall budget needed always keeps increasing. (Another dept might actually need more money so the ENTIRE school budget required goes up)
Politics at work people.
Are you saying im part of the problem? If so then How?
cant wait to move out of here, lol…
hopefully get into med school out of NY or even out of buffalo would be cool…
I love how Hypocritical Joe is…about not bitching blah blah…when thats all he does is just that. Bitch is fool head off. Actually, there have been many proposed budget cuts, but the leaders of this fine state (who just so happen to all be dems) refuse it because it would cut dependance on the government and they are power hungery. they want us to be completely dependanton the Govenment because that keeps them in power. I know Giambra was a republican, but he was a democrat before that, he switched sides for the election, you can dress a turd in a bow and spray purfume on it…but in the end its still a piece of shit.