Hello 8.75% sales tax

they did the right thing even though it blows if they’d have fucked home owners with JUST the property tax hike i would have gone postal, while all the apartment/mom & pop living mofos brag about how great it is in their basement apt.

All I can say is this;

THANK FUCKING GOD I AM MOVING OUT OF THIS PEICE OF SHIT STATE IN T-MINUS 2.6 YEARS. If I hear one more DUMocrat scream about tax increases as the solution to this areas problem, I am going to choke him, shoot him, and then shit on him…maybe even burn out on his balls! I have a better solution: LAY OFF SOME OF THE OVERPAID FUCKS THAT WORK FOR THE GOVERNMENT, AND HALF THE SALALRY OF THE REST OF THE IDIOTS.

When will people get it through their heads… The system does not work if everyone makes a shitload of money and sits at the top! Society is a pryamid, there HAS to be people at the bottom, or everyone will end up at the bottom. Lack of incentive? COMMUNISM? You socialist democrats are only one step away! Someone worth 10 bucks and hour should not be making as much as someone ith a degree, just because of “who” they work for. Fucking unions… dont even get me started.

Can you tell I am pissed off?

I dont think you are part of the problem. I also dont think New York City is to blame for anything in Buffalo. They generate their own revenue.

i love this i have 21% increase; next year, home and sales… they should put erie county at min staff and let the towns pay…then choose what town you want to pay to live in. i love the area, be all around the world, came back, dont mind paying tax if it is justified~ not just i am sorry from mr Joel

BUZZ wrong…Almost every watt of power from Niagara falls power plant goes straight to nyc. NYC wants to build a 300 million $ staduim and who do they tax…the rest of NY. NY pays for NYC becase thats where the legislature gets all its votes from. NYC plays a masive roll in this states economy, including buffalo.

I love how ethnic attacks are perfectly acceptable as long as theyre against Italians… If he was calling byron brown a nigger or satish mohan a camel jockey the forum would be all up over this.

fawk buying a house now, fawk this city, fawk!!!11!!1!!!1!one

has nothing to do with him being a wopeerrrrr italian…hes a dousch

Keep the racial name calling out of this or this wop will make u sad

I love the people that think things will magically change if they move to a different city. Because the rest of the country is having one huge parade right now.

The way I look at it, Even if the other city is the same when it comes to taxes…at least it may be a nice place to live! fuck the snow, fuck the cold, fuck the politics, fuck the economy, FUCK BUFFALO. I am moving to Vegas, and I am serious.

Sure every watt goes to once city because buffalo, albany, syracuse, binghamton and all the other cities in NY dont need need power… I guess NYCdoesnt pay for their electricity like everyone else in the fucking country… brilliant.

You are right NYC does play a large part in the states economy… fucking supporting it.

Ding… Buffalo sucks…
Ding… NYC doesnt make the decisions that are bankrupting Erie county…
Ding… you should be a Erie county legislator because you are great at
at finger pointing

Ding, Ding, Ding… SMASH

Agreed,imagine if this discussion happened a year ago and everyone decided to migrate south to louisiana.

lol ok calmdown there…dont be goin asistole on me…alot of our taxes do go to nyc…im not saying they are the sole reason, just a variable in an equation of fuck ups.

this is a ignorant statement

Why dont you ask the people that already left …ask them if they would ever come back to this shit hole…

no one would say yes

Things would change in a big way by moving out of here.

things WILL magically change. no snow, no ridiculously high taxes on everything, no dirty cities, roads that don’t trash your alignment in 3 weeks, beaches, sun - pretty much anything else. i don’t like it here. there’s nothing fun about driving around with a trash bag window 2x in rain, either…


The thing is that people fail to realize when they see other state’s sales tax is yes some states are lower and some are higher, but the higher sales tax in other states is because they have super lowe incometax, property tax and such, ny has super high income, property, and sales tax…Erie county especially…gota love them Dumocrats makin it easier for the poor working man :bloated:

No friends, no family…hm, well okay.

no, all my immediate family lives down there. um, the ones i’ve been separated from about 23/24ths of my life. and my roommate’s coming with me.

go sanitize yer stock engine bay :slight_smile:

I was worried about the friends and such but I no longer care. Its not worth wasting your life over. You can meet new friends anywhere. If one person makes a move then your friends may follow. Everyone would be that much better off.