Helloooo witness protection program!

I don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about as you didn’t actually witness anything. It sounds like they’re just calling you in as a formality.

Look at it like this. If they saw your head off, it will put an end to your seemingly endless string of bad luck…

w00t jegs a narq

ohh jeg. i never met anyone with the problems you have :wink:

now that’s not a bad thing… but damnnnn

yep yer gonna get shot and sodomized… better hope its not by those indians that roughed you up before



let me add this on my list of DUMBEST THINGS IVE EVER SEEN.

lets recap

  1. you were a witness to a crime committed by a convicted felony drug dealer.
  2. you posted it on a PUBLIC INTERNET FORUM
  3. you dont have a lawyer

step 4 is probably you disappearing, getting shot, stabbed, etc.

good luck with that

hahahhhaah truth.jpg

come on stop getting my hopes up

I work at a law firm so I know a little bit about this stuff. First off if you feel threatened by the person you are testifying against then you need to get a restraining order after that is granted than you can call the cops anytime and they have to respond immediately…second I don’t think you need an attorney…just don’t answer any questions you don’t feel comfortable answering. In your case it really doesn’t seem like you will have any problems. just wear a shirt tie and possibly a suit…say yes sir, no sir…don’t offer any information unless they ask. I wouldn’t worry about this.

or No one really cares and nothing will happen at all

:tup: for right to carry laws woot…oh wait NY doesnt have em. :frowning:

i just lol’d big time



I was just gonna say Narc too. lol

Yeah good luck with this. Get a lawyer.

…and that was the last we saw of jeg…:cry:

Jeg who :snky:

So what’s the long story? You called the cops for a hit and run, and the guy got convicted of selling pot 10 years ago? Your vagueness leaves the door wide open for all sorts of CSI type scenarios, although I’m guessing you’re actually in much less danger…

I can’t really say any details about the case…somebody (no names) was beaten and raped by said drug trafficker and I called the cops because I can not live with myself knowing this shit was going on. I’m not the kind of person that can just let bad things happen and not try to intervene and put a stop to it. My conscience would rip me apart. I just did the right thing. I’m not SUPER worried…but he does know who I am through the victim, and knows I was the one who called the cops.

so much for that