Help/Advice Please

I have problem with my 240. It doesn’t always ignite the gas in second and fourth cylinder. Does anybody had similar problem. Help!

Find a used KA here in the for sale section, but it and get your mechanic to install it.

There are lots of them that come up for sale here and atleast 2 around right now. Don’t pay more than $300 or $400 if it’s got really low km’s.

edit: sorry, the KA is the motor that is in your car, KA24DE. It is not worth rebuilding one of these unless you are building one for a high perf. application.

FYI: there are lots of people here that would do the swap for you for a good deal, probably less than your local garage would charge you.

Changing head only should be cheaper.

Yeah, but at 200,000Km, unless he’s on a super tight budget, it’s worth the extra $200 to just replace the whole motor.

What is the usual, regular price for labour when swapping KA24DE?

Hey guys the last news from my mechanic is that valves and the head is OK. He found that there is a flood of fuel in cylinders. Somehow the cylinders are getting so much fuel that it drown the spark plugs and is not ignited. That’s all the mechanic found tonight and will look at it again tomorrow.
What do you guys think.:confused:
Administrator, please don’t close this thread I really can’t wait a week to follow with this problem.

Don’t worry man, the 7 day bump rule doesn’t apply to discussion threads.

I bet you have a leaky injector. It is probably staying open all the time.

Ask fobwall about this, maybe he’ll even show you his little video of Jesse’s old motor.

ive had a few wierd problems with my KA, but this one is different.

Im selling my spare motor for best offer now, my landlird is gonna jack me for it soon i think. the motor was running when i got it but the distributor cap + rotor are missing, as well as the altenator. the valave cover is painted red and i can give u a new valve cover gasket. the head and block are good, but it has an auto flywheel still attached to it.

from the sounds of it, your existing motor has the parts needed to make this motor work, and some of your parts are new as well. seriously dude, i will give u the motor for $180, u can part it out yourself and make back the money u invested and maybe even make back the labour charge for the work.

either way, good luck!


oh and couldnt u just change the spark plug gasket for a better seal? not exactly sure what is going on, but if he says your head is straight, then i would jsut believe the gasket detiorated??

edit - maybe the fuel regulator? maybe check your fuel pump too, your car dropped? i looked at mine and all the wires were frayed, making a bad contact and not providing enough fuel (just a guess but i really dont think crossed wires would give u too much fuel).

Would the fuel pump or fuel regulator do this?

Its not the fuel pump… all the fuel pump does is send fuel to the injectors.
if its working u will get fuel and if its broken it wont send any - that simple

i doubt its the fuel regulator…

one or more of your injectors are probably messed up.

I just replaced injectors with ones I bought from some SON member.
The same thing.:confused:
Do you have injectors that are 100% good, maybe the ones I just installed are not good either. Although my mechanic check them with ohmometer and there were all even.

Do you have full spark in all 4 cylinders? Maybe the fuel isn’t getting burned and just going right out the exhaust? I’m surprised your mechanic hasn’t found the problem, is he a good mechanic?
Try dropping by SG, I’m sure Sasha could figure it out for you.

Yes, I have full spark in all 4 cylinders and the fuel isn’t getting burned and just going right out the exhaust. Well, my mechanic - They say, He is good. His opinion - “find another engine”. You should see me driving this thing on two cylinders, melting ground with flames only on two cylinders from the leak in the exhaust. Now the car wont even move, it’s hard to even keep it running.

Have you gotten the exhaust fixed yet? There does need to be some sort of back-pressure for it to operate properly.
Also, did you have service done just prior to the mess-up? Maybe the timing is off?

Yes, my exhaust is OK now. It didn’t help. You think it may be a timing? I’ve changed cap and rotor one year or so ago, checked wires, changed spark plugs for Iridium NGk’s and never touched timing.

check ur coil

check your ecu lol, maybe it’s holding the injectors open
