HELP my batterie shot or my altenator

ok last night i was driving the wife and i started to slow down and hit the brakes and my cd player and t.v shut off i was like thats weird. so im driving and she notices my gauges are really dim and when i come to a stop and get off the gas it goes really dim. my head lights and everythign else… when i rev it up its all bright till i let off. so i have come to the conclusion it is either my batterie or my alt… so what do you think is causing this cause i need my car… i drove it home and went to start it tonight when i got home from work and it was hard to start liek the batterie was dying… so help me guys i need my car…is my alt gone or my batterie or is it somethign else… cause i know my car has low power cause my subs and stuff will not work if i turn it up…

Alt problems are a biatch. Could be many things man.

FIRST thing I would check, is all your connections. Ground, power, plugs etc. Make sure they are good.

SECOND thing I would do (if the car does not start) is charge the battery (with another car) and then see if it starts. If it does, drive around for a bit and see if you are losing power (a volt meter, or multimeter makes this really easy). If you are losing power then it is most likely that your alternator is not putting out enough volts. You can tell this because
a) your car started, meaning your battery should be alright
b) your alternator should put out enough volts to drive around, and if it is not, you will lose power and electricity throught the car.
c) Your battery cannot keep up on its own.
Again, a voltmeter or multimeter makes this really easy. If you dont have one, try accelerating after a few min. If your alt is bad you should notice some really bad dimming, and even worse performance due to greater discharge load on the battery, and no re-charge from the alt.

THIRD thing I would do is drive my ass to CT and get the alt/battery tested. Battery test is free, and the alt test is either free or 20 bucks. Something liek that. If you can still drive and your battery is good, then your alt is bad, and most likely is on the way out. There are a few different things that can happen to the alt to make it “workable” but very poor. eg. you can drive, but your lights are really dim, or your stereo cannot put out power etc. Have it re-build or replaced. If it is the battery, get a new one, and test the alt as well. You may have both problems.

I am in the process of sorting out this kinda problem too, and have been through testing on three different alts in the past week. :frowning: I am still learning, so if I am wrong feel free to correct me with knowledge. Thanx.

Hope that helps

It’s your alternator… when you replace it make sure you put nice new clean ground wires everywhere…