help computer geeks

my windows media player won’t open, everytime i click on it the hour glass comes up for a second and the screen blinks and then nothing. I can’t watch posi madness!!!. fuckers in IT won’t help cause i’m not even supposed to be using it.

lol… did you try restarting yet? Usually that’s the first thing I try when something won’t work.


tried that, no worky :mad:

hit it with a baseball bat!!!

Run windows update to reinstall it. Thats worth a shot.

i’m not an administrator :sad:

oh well ya that makes a pretty big difference. Tell them fucks in IT to lighten up. Or think of an excuse to play a video for work related reasons. maybe a training video or something.

interweb is broke

hahahahahaha - you’re not an administrator, sucks to be you.

I love being the guy to take all the games and shit off of everyone’s pc’s and then sit at my desk and play delta force black hawk down for 6 hours out of an 8 hour day.

:bigthumb: :shaggy:

Admins > non-admins

i lock down my users… BIG TIME. no icons on desktop… no right clicks… no saving any document / file without using the document management system… :slight_smile:

not being an admin is weak-sauce… do doubt.

Instead of putting my users on lock down like little kids I try to educate them into not being dumbasses.

It’s rough… alot of people are hard-core dumbasses.

can’t educate people that don’t want to learn…

ya, I hear that!

But there is a difference between locking them down like prison and just taking away admin priveledges.

power user > lock down
lock down > truely stupid people

oh i know… not arguing…

if you knew my enviroment you’d know why i do it… i give out local admin to some, local program files to others… only 2 non-admins are power users.

working in healthcare i didn’t lock down anything but the interweb… working for a firm i lock down everything but the interweb… it’s odd.

sensitive info, plus i have 2million documents… imagine users saving those all over the place, shared drives, roaming profiles, and local… not going to happen!!! … everyone needs a document NOW! … so when they F up, it’s still IT’s fault… :rolleyes:

people like beig dumb

The people at my work could have dumb terminals and still do their job, so basically I lock down the pc ao it acts like a terminal. :smiley:

Since I started the calls to IS for stupid shit has dropped a lot. We would get calls for people messing up their backgrounds and screensavers, now everyone in the company has the same background and no screensavers. The more locked down the pc’s are the easier my job is.

^ yup.

i just did an XP image on my new MPC’s… use biometric authentication (can’t forget your finger print :doh: ) … universal screensaver with no password ability… ect ect.

they don’t really mind, it make workflow faster, because you can’t download screensavers and weather bugs and other ad serving garbage…