i put in my battery the wrong way.lol see what happens when you don’t sleep and have to work.anyhow none of my electricals work.headlights.rpm,fan,signals and so on.i hear electrical noises.what should i do or what is the problem.thanks
oh man… so all your grounds got 12v+ I dont evne know dude… i just hope there is some sort of fuse for that but thinkinga bout it I would think all the fuses would be at the end of the line… i.e. you fried everything that cant take a reverse flow of electricity
I’d agree with Sasha on that one.
You should be checking ALL the fuese both in the car and the engine bay and see if there fried. As well you could overloaded the relays too. There much harder to check though.
Start there and see what happens. Lets just hope that only the fuses went and nothing else is done.
Good luck.
Easy 8)
yea thanks for the info guys .i check the fuse and i blew 3 fuses. the 10 amp for the engine control,the 75 am and 25 amp for the fog.anyhow hope it’s not to serius.thanks
As long as you didnt turn anything on there shouldn’t be an isue with it.
Replace those fuses and keep us updated.
main ignition relay, the biggest relay in the box…fuse box on the intake side of the motor…
change that and ure probably good to go…