Help! ...Failure to Stop @ a Stop Sign

Here’s a way to get out of the ticket…you will need a Playstation 3 + controller for this to work though:

1)Start up the system…
2)When you’re at the main menu press:
Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Left, Right, Down, Square, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Circle.

Note. You must use the D-pad for this to work, it won’t work if you use the right or left stick.

If you do it correctly, your ticket should be erased from your record.

Good luck.

Not one of your better ones.

To the guy who said 70% of the time they dont show up. What an OLD statistic. now they have representatives that are especially for prosecuting the cases.

you need to grow the fuck up asshole

and to all you guys bashing red line for breaking the law, y`all are a bunch of dicks. the guy didnt post here for that… he is asking for help! its his 1st offence

sometimes i wonder about some of y`all clowns here on son,so immature

Dude, can you tell me how this is any different if he were to cut his wrists with a knife and then come on the forum to ask for help?

It’s not like he got fucked over, this was completely avoidable.

He could have just stopped.

It’s not like he was rear ended or hit some black ice while approaching the stop sign and then the cop gave him a ticket for that. This is completely his fault and it could’ve easily been avoided.

There are ALWAYS consequences.

^^^^^ epic fail !!

you can fight the ticket , or pay , either way, it will cost something in the end and giving away hard earned monies is thitty


lol, most people treat stop signs as “pause” signs.
If you go to court, just tell them that you technically did stop, as in all 4 wheels on your car stopped for a moment, then you felt it safe to continue driving.

I lol’d, then felt it was neccessary to:


im with fobwall on this one u did the crime u do the time.
u can try to fight it… but i dont think it will help u

I’ve had a failure to stop at a stop sign… and its 3 points. It will effect your insurance for a 3 year period (points are 2 yrs as their with the government and not insurance).

Do you have your G2 or G License ? If you have your G than I wouldn’t worry about the points since you have room to acquire more without loosing your license or getting in trouble. If you have your G2 then I believe you can only get to 6 points in which case you’d have 3 and I’d recommend getting your G license A.S.A.P.

In the end thou… You’re guilty and have admitted too it so why you would fight the ticket or worry about the points is beyond me. Choke it up to a lesson learned and make sure you don’t do it again!

There are ALWAYS consequences.[/QUOTE]

EXACTLY fobwall the consequence was the ticket. no 1 here is disputing that or the fact that he admits to not coming to a complete stop.

the point is he would like to get advice on how to deal with the matter at hand and ur making fun of it.

Well he ran a stop sign and now he’s asking if there’s a way he can not get points for doing so?

It’s the same as him cutting his wrists and then asking us how can he stop the bleeding.

Don’t you think it’s a little stupid?

EDIT: My point is that this is such a simple situation and there really shouldn’t be a thread about this…unless like I said…he hit black ice and ran the stop sign and got a ticket for that.

In the end thou… You’re guilty and have admitted too it so why you would fight the ticket or worry about the points is beyond me. Choke it up to a lesson learned and make sure you don’t do it again![/QUOTE]

i wouldnt agree with that bro.

About 5 years ago i got ran off a highway(9) by a school bus. The bus driver came off a side street and literally ran me off the hwy because she either misjudged my speed or distance.a cop showed up and she turned out to be a friend of the lady driving the bus and gave me the ticket(failure to yield). i took it to court (had to drive 3 hrs back up north)so i was pissed… i chewed her up,n spat her out in the courtroom and got off the B.S ticket obviously.
my point is you can get a ticket at any time for something that you didnt even do. it happens all the time.
RED LINE admitted to his wrong.besides he could have already have learned his lesson…you don`t always have to suffer to learn a lesson bro

I wouldn’t say stupid so much as saying its wrong “polite way of putting it”. But its simply because people are lazy.

I was with a buddy a few months back and he decided he was going to run a red light (but convinced himself it was yellow to justify his actions) and there was a cop sitting @ the intersection so he obviously stopped us. So not only did he run the red light, hes license plate is expired and his insurance slips are expired. So cop nails him with all 3 tickets!

Well he comes to me after the fact wanting me to skip work and goto court and LIE for him and say that he didn’t run the red because he didn’t want to pay the tickets.

So his laziness of not wanting to stop cost him well over $300 I believe but he was willing lie or use any story necessary to try and wiesel his way out of it.

i wouldnt agree with that bro.

About 5 years ago i got ran off a highway(9) by a school bus. The bus driver came off a side street and literally ran me off the hwy because she either misjudged my speed or distance.a cop showed up and she turned out to be a friend of the lady driving the bus and gave me the ticket(failure to yield). i took it to court (had to drive 3 hrs back up north)so i was pissed… i chewed her up,n spat her out in the courtroom and got off the B.S ticket obviously.
my point is you can get a ticket at any time for something that you didnt even do. it happens all the time.
RED LINE admitted to his wrong.besides he could have already have learned his lesson…you don`t always have to suffer to learn a lesson bro

In your case, you were “wrongfully accused” so you had a “right” to fight the ticket…

Technically speaking, Red_Line has ADMITTED he didn’t stop. Meaning, he was NOT wrongfully accused. So for him to goto court and try to get out of a ticket that he deserves would be lying, cheating, shady and just wrong!

I myself have been wrongful accused of a ticket as well and its the 1st and only time I’ve ever taught a ticket. Because I was WRONGFULLY ACCUSED! My failure to stop and all my speeding tickets were my fault, for me to go and fight them now just shows that I’m not able to take responsibility for my own actions.

so i’m guessing flaming and bashing someone is VERY productive i guess it’s the son way to misinform someone when their just asking for help wow. . . . then u guys complain about how this site has been going to shit since 2008 lol . . . .

gurp just fight the ticket BECAUSE YOU CAN the people who are tellin u otherwise what u to pay it outright so they can have a laugh. makes me sick

ahahaha jokes on you. the officer comes on our forums often and has printed this as evidence for your failure to stop.

get with the program -

or you can be stupid and plead guilty

lol wow.

I didn’t read all of that… but just wow to what i did read.

There’s an option to speak with the prosecutor on the back of the ticket. 100% do that. They do this to try to come up with a deal so you don’t have to go to court and waste everyone time.

Usually, the prosecutor meeting is scheduled really quick… Mine was within a month.

You can bring evidence and plead your case… but you probably won’t even speak at all to the guy.

He’s gonna tell you nobody likes points… and fines aren’t a big deal. So he will most likely drop the points for you and lower the fine. If he doesn’t, then you can decline his offer and choose to take it to court. But not much of a point considering it’s a stop sign ticket.

Go see the prosecutor.

Why pay the fine, if seeing the prosecutor is free. Might as well, there’s nothing to lose.

Everyone around me got their charges dropped or lowered somehow.


edit: shouldn’t the cop tell you that you lose points. I don’t think you lose any points if he doesn’t say it. They don’t magically disappear. But im not sure about that one. When i got a ticket he said the fine and how much points i lose. But i did that^ and got the points dropped, paid 50, and called it a day.

Alright, seems like I can win this in some way…

the dude(traffic court specialist) said…worse case scenario “you have to pay, get no points”
best case scenario “everything gets dismissed”

good thing I have a clear record and a G to back that up.

Thanks guys to the useful info and help,

& no thanks to useless crap on my thread by others.
Next time read the posts and get a real feel for what input I was asking for clowns, you guys are examples of people that should be kicked out of SON240.

you coulnt have said it better man… this is so simple the guy admits its his fault and ask SON

"Is there anyway I can avoid losing points from this? anyone been through this?

I’d like to get this figured out as soon as I can, thanks." then he gets

you did the crime pay so the fine, knowing that it can cost him a ton of money with insurance etc especially if points are involved,and the consequences can affect the guy for years. even the prosecuter will bend the rule and most likely get rid off the points since it RED LINE 1st offence but not some pathetic SON members…

people a so insensitive these days!

Go plead guilty with an explanation. You will receive a letter in the mail when your court date is. When you show up in the office you will speak to a prosecutor which they will lower your ticket for you, hopefully to no points. You will go sit in a court room after be called up and plead guilty to the lesser charge.


There’s a recession going on, the courts are much easier on people right now that actually fight their tickets.