i need to know my ipod serial number, or some other identifing characteristic from my itunes, anything that itunes would store that would match something on the ipod,
other than songs, and playlists, they already deleted that
Mine was stolen and i think i have it in my sight but i need dead on proof of it…
do you have the connector so that you can plug it into a computer? I think the ipod updater software shows you the serial number of the ipod that is connected.
what generation is it? It might show it in some of the service modes. Usually you get into the service mode by holding menu+play+select or fast forward. There are a bunch of ipod help sites on the web.
the serial number should be on the back plate of the ipod too…
i found it, heres how it goes, (this one isnt my seriel number though
iPod- A message will appear “No iPod connected”
Click on the message, a new message will apear giving you the last ipod that was connected, although this may not be yours, but its the last one connected to your machine
Plug it in to your computer. If you can’t drop songs on it, its not yours. Atleast that’s how I think it works. Only 1 ipod can be registered to a computer. I’m not 100% sure on this though.
To and extent, if its set to auto-update(takes all songs you have checked or in library depending on settings yet again)) it will ask to reformat the ipod before you use it. If you have to set to manual mode(where you drag and drop songs) you can keep adding to it.
FBA, your not going to find a “Previous list” of ipods plugged in. Unless there is something in the registry I have never seen, your only going to get the last one. Also, its on the box if you didn’t toss it. Other then that your fucked. Dont bother calling apple bc if you dont have the serial they wont do shit anyways. They put in a case, tell you thats the best we can do. Trust me, used to work there :hsdance:
No you can have more than one ipod registered to a computer. My hubby and I have both of ours on the itunes. We use the manual upload, not the auto, b/c I don’t want his heavy metal head banging raging rock on my ipod. LOL
So FBA, yours got stolen and you are trying to find it???