help fight Autism

hey I would like to say that my grandfather has voted 4 times since he has died…

Thank you cook county

EDIT: clicked link, also I fully agree that we, as a populace, in the US, like to think that the cure for everything and anything is some sort of vaccine, and from this we are becoming over medicated, and overly cautious of everything and anything… serious, when/if I have a kid that little shit is going to go play in the fucking mud, break some bones and live a normal life as a kid, none of this running around in a bubble shit.

Interesting article on cnn today. If I have time later I’m going to search for a little more info on why Jersey has such a high rate of Autism.

I am guessing its the Jaeger bombs

I’ve been doing a lot more reading lately, and at this point Jen and I have decided Jillian will not be receiving anything but the truely critical vaccines for the next 2 years. Until they do better research we’ve made the decision that waiting is safer than simply accepting their assumption that because a vaccine is safe based on single dose testing that’s it’s fine to give multiple vaccines in a single visit.

I’m not sure where the $0.49 came from. The way I am reading it is that the money is already donated by businesses and individuals they just “distribute” the donations between the charities. It’s essentially a vote for the charity that you watch the video for. I don’t believe anyone would or could have an unlimited pay per-click donation set up on the internet.