help hairymonke aka 4x4 jimmy thief

Oh. Figures that he doesn’t have the same job. Because he’s a loser. And he sucks. And lies about everything after he’s confronted.

Tried to tell me that my Audi’s motor blew in his driveway. Yeah right buddy.

at idle too …

you probably shouldnt have sold him such a shitty car, lol

im looking for his full name i had it on the title i had from him but the police have it right now

i just bought a welder from him for $50, works fucking sweet.

looks like the one picture but it is all black, i think it is spray painted though

good deal possesion of stolen propertys always good

easy on the theft parodies… ask Adam :stuck_out_tongue:

how in the fuck do you sell something thats not even remotely yours?? wow

anyone have any more info? if so please pm i want my welder or the 389.99$ for a new one the more info i have the more damage i cna do i already have a cop whose a family friend looking into it

Ray Wirth

old address was 69 osgood in west seneca off clinton near union

Do you have physical proof that you loaned it to him? If not, you don’t have anything to present to the cops unless you have numerous witnesses who saw you loan it to him so the cops won’t be able to do much except get a statement from him.

Maybe he did drop it off one night and was quiet enough to not wake the neighborhood and it really did get stolen.

Let him make it right.

He’s a Wirth? Hmmmm… I might know some relatives.


Maybe that might help some?

he already had an enlarged asshole, i think the whole thing was blown way out of perspective.

yeah off clinton:fail:…

i never said id blow him in for anything speedpud.

thanks guys, the more info the better, and i have enough saved pms where he clearly states i loaned it to him, and trust me its a quiet street if he had come in my yard dogs wuda been barking and my mom/dad would have been looking not to mention at 1am my mom was up she would have seen headlights


speedped i pmed you… i can help

You drive a vw, STFU faggot

Look man, give it up, seriously.

If there is a wildly entertaining drama-filled story behind this hatred you have for speedped, I’m sure the majority of the members here would love to hear it. Maybe you could provide us some perspective on your drab insults and mundane comments directed towards ANYTHING speedped says.

If there isn’t a compelling story, and mocking him is your attempt at either:

  1. Looking cool
    -You are failing at it.
  2. Being funny
    -You are failing at it.
  3. Justifying your inadequacies by picking on someone
    -You are failing at it.

Cliff notes? Stop.

hahaha wrong