help hairymonke aka 4x4 jimmy thief




next time you need to go a lil longer im all “blue” over here

the kids a pos i brought this up awhile to that he was back.

He should be banned again just for making a new name even though he was already banned before!

stealing shit is gay :tdown:

no, my parents house is on a dead end street and the whole yard is fenced with 7ft white vinyl non see thru fence and the driveway had 3 cars in it that day, he didnt bring it back my mom was home all that day and no one came here

I would just freak out and create a thread about it ASAP. oh wait


No matter what. Regardless of weather or not he dropped the welder off he is still responsible.

If I borrowed your vehicle, than brought it back gassed up and than some DB stole it from your drive way. Who would be responsible? Me or the DB? All you have is my word that i dropped it off, nothing more.

So unless you have known me since childhood you would have no reason what so ever to believe me.

Bad example yes but im just sayin. the kid that borrowed the welder is fully responsible.

so did they sell it to haireymonkey butt or whatever this scum bags name is??

No no no. Apparently hairymonkee sold it to them.

he called me today, says hes guna make it right and buy me a new one if he has to, but dirtye saying he could blow him in makes it fishy but i have plenty of info on him so hopefully i get my welder back or a new one

it sux its delaying me from properly fixing the exhaust on my car

Sooooo … did he sell it or what ???

good luck


idk hes claiming he dropped it off in my driveway by my garage at 1am which i dont beleive i have 2 watch dogs who would have went crazy and woke my parents who are very paranoid so i highly doubt he dropped it off

im guessing it either broke or he sold it or something and now realizes i have lots of info on him so hes trying to make it right, which i dotn care i just want either mine or a new one back asap i gots some work to do


wtf do you contribute here?

third times the charm.

contact newman, see if he still works at derrick.

yea, i used to know alot, dont any more, last i knew he was over at derrick doing welding, but its totaly possible he no longer works there.

if i can, ill dig around and get some more info about his current employment