anyone know his work schedule? ill go to his work
good thing i read all 6 pages or i wouldnt of known he stole your welder. i thought you wanted to help him find who stole his 4x4 jimmy :gotme:
he went to west seneca east didnt he? i THINK i might know his sister or something… amanda?
raymond wirth
Nope don’t know him.
yeah i looked in my freshman year book n couldnt find em maybe he went to west lol
burn his house down
we cud have a meet in front of his house lol
First off you lent it to him which means no you can not have him arrested for theft. The only thing you can do is sue him for the return of the welder and or reimbursement.You will goto small claims. Pay 15 dollars to file suit. Show up, plead your case, and show evidence. You will win.You will then have to get the judgement put against him where they will garnish his wages. You have no legal right to harass him.I recommend you put a stop to this thread immediatly. This is nyspeed.Calling someone names and making empty threats will get you no where.So stop dragging this on and just sue him. He also needs to be banned from this board.Shitty people are not welcome.I have loaned tools to many board members. not one has fucked me over.
but when the welder shows up a at pawn shop and its in his name over there(ill find out tommorow) thats theft right there, police dept agrees as well
Speedped, even if his name turns up at the pawn shop unless you have proof it was yours ( a receipt with matching serial number ) then you have nothing legally binding. Let the court be the judge of it and stop with this nonsense.
ok so he gets arrested. he will go to, be out on his own recognisons. in 8 or 9 months of him not taking pleas they will goto trial he will get probation and maybe order to pay you restitution. just take him to small claims court. i think your “cop friends” are steering you the wrong way. it makes no sense if they say its illegal why you dont have him arrested yet. small claims work much faster with better results so just do that
So, he IS actively communicating with you here or not?
yes thru pm,s please do not ban him yet
still no money/welder yet
Post PM’s for my entertainment.
not to be that guy but if said person was banned under 4x4jim… and got a new name… am i right to say that said person should have been banned once it was found out who it was??
yes, but they want to help speedped get in touch with him first.
We heard rumors. Never really had conclusive proof. Now however, once speedpud gives the signal he’ll be perma’d and we’ll be paying closer attention for troll accounts in the future.