help hairymonke aka 4x4 jimmy thief

ok … just b/c i kep getting banned from… lol its the email they look for there … but one could make a email adress in 3 min… ok :tup: carry on

once you’re permabanned, you make it to the blacklist.

Recently the ROE for those on the blacklist was loosened abit too.

And, if 4x4monkee isn’t using the site to help resolve this issue, he’ll be banned regardless of Speedped’s “GO” signal.


Trying to get back on Shouldn’t you be busy denying Tiny Tim new crutches?

^ You can’t ever stay on topic can you?

neg. why do you think we keep krazyjon around?

pug updates?


Yeah I’ve got a touch of the ADD.

Anyhow, yeah hairymonkey will be banned as soon as it’s clear he serves no purpose here.

Speedped have you actually filed a report with the police or gotten info from the place that was selling your welder?

I mean, talking to your family friend and trying to deal directly with him is worth trying, but given his past history it seems that you really aren’t going to see any results unless you go through legal channels.

Speedped any updates? I saw hairyjimmy online this afternoon. I’m wondering if he updated you?

well the welder at totally was not mine, but… i have them and several other pawn shops keeping an eye out for the welder, nope hes been ignoreing me and yes if filed a police report if he dosnt pay up by the end of the week im taking it to small claims

SPEEDPED79 (6:27:27 PM): any $ yet ?
skinticketneinn (6:27:35 PM): im working on it
SPEEDPED79 (6:27:40 PM): i really dnt want to go to small claims its too much a hassle
skinticketneinn (6:27:49 PM): nah man, its my fault, i’ll pay you
skinticketneinn (6:28:05 PM): within 2 weeks
skinticketneinn (6:28:19 PM): i have some bills for this week, but after that its yours
SPEEDPED79 (6:28:24 PM): ok
skinticketneinn (6:28:38 PM): it sucks, but its my fault for leaving it outside

he’s a retard. it took me awhile to get my money too. i hope you meet him and his fat girlfriend.

i didnt think i was dating you dawn?

So he’s claiming what, that he left it outside and it was stolen?

Oh, you’re funny. You wanted to though.


If this is the ray im thinking of who works at derrick then he is the biggest piece of shit i have ever met and you can kiss your welder and any money he owes you good bye, this fucking scam artist is on comp at derrick because he “hurt his back” when in reality he is just a pill poping fucking loser, sorry to hear you had to deal with this dirty fuck if this is the same Ray i know and hate…

Is the Ray you know like 20?

Yeah and once he pays his bills Speedped will get his money.


offtopic, but… id hit it =]

with your thunderbird.