Help I Think Turbos Going

Just wondering if there any specific sounds to a turbo going? I have a S13 redtop and i am hearing a very loud farting (yes very technical term) noise, with a wistle coming form the turbo downpipe area. any ideas what this could be!?

check for exhaust leaks.
if its a popping type of sound, where your turbo outlet/inlets connect to the manifold and elbow, those nuts come lose often and bam you got a leak.

to see if your turbos hooped, just pull off the rubber intake off the front inlet, and the small elbow, and check for shaft play.

popping!? What kinda popping? I’ll check for leaks and shaft play.

is it getting fucking sickly loud?
if the turbo sound more like a woooooow more then a whisssssssssss then ya its getting fucked. check shaftplay check I/C piping for lots of oil check intake pipe into turbo for DUST. killer of turbos lol

its more like a little of both. It was at my shop for a while and aloe of dust settled on it. Hopefully its not fucked!

at first it sounded like a wet whistling sound but now its more like a wooooooo sound with a wistle.

Yeah my turbo is making the same sounds, and mine is trashed, I’m thinking about driving it till it explodes so I have an excuse to buy an engine, my luck though it would only go out the exhaust and not even wreck anything.

ive got a mint s15 turbo for sale if anyones interested. plus other stuff

how much do you want for it

he sodl the s15 turbo to me a long time ago dan :S