Looking for someone that might want to lend a hand putting lowering springs on a 2000 stang, that has previous experience. Hell, even if you are mechanical and are going to put them on your own someday, we can practice on mine.
I can give ya some cash based on experience with stangs, or brews, or both lol. Maybe we can knock out some work on your car as well…
I’m in Amherst by UB north.
Looking to do it relatively soon as the plates just went on today :tup:
aside from my neighbors king cobra, ive never worked on a stang. however i have lowered alot of cars and trucks. im in pendleton, id be willing to help. you got spring compressors?
Alright cool! No spring compressors…I was going to go with the floor jack under the control arm method. I also don’t own air tools or a torque wrench unfortunately. Those would be a plus.
I have a 2.5 car garage with a space heater if necessary.
are they just coil spring and a shock? if thats the case its cake. but i had figured atleast the front would have a strut assembly which will require spring compressors
edit…will probably need a pickle fork too. i have that and the spring compressors but my spring compressors may not work, they didnt for the strut springs for my e46.