Help. Jdm insurance yikes

I love how I fucked someone when for

  1. Brenden said motor was good, which it wasn’t, found out later
  2. bunch of mystery problmes(not big deal)
  3. STOLE MY FUCKING WHEELS after dropped off to sell to mark, in good faith of payment.

Im such a asshole?

  1. Sold someone a 40 year old car that had rust? Who knew? lol
  2. Sold someone a car with all prev owners contact info and all details about car.
  3. went along with his deal. It was HIS idea to trade, it was HIS idea to accept my offer. I dont own a gun, i know it wasnt to his head, thus being able to make his own decisions.

Furthermore, why dont YOU stay out of a mess thats NONE of Your buisness and keep doing what you were doing and ill do the same?

hip hip, HORRAY