I love how I fucked someone when for
- Brenden said motor was good, which it wasn’t, found out later
- bunch of mystery problmes(not big deal)
- STOLE MY FUCKING WHEELS after dropped off to sell to mark, in good faith of payment.
Im such a asshole?
- Sold someone a 40 year old car that had rust? Who knew? lol
- Sold someone a car with all prev owners contact info and all details about car.
- went along with his deal. It was HIS idea to trade, it was HIS idea to accept my offer. I dont own a gun, i know it wasnt to his head, thus being able to make his own decisions.
Furthermore, why dont YOU stay out of a mess thats NONE of Your buisness and keep doing what you were doing and ill do the same?
hip hip, HORRAY