help maybe??? (unread posts since last visit)

I have had this problem earlier today as well. I’m not very tech savvy, so I honestly have no idea why it would do that. You have tried Firefox and it still did it? Do you logout each time you leave or keep yourself signed in? Do you leave explorer open or close it each time? I could try to narrow down the issue.

i dont always log out… but when i first get home and log in it wont have any new post, but after i’ve been into site and check back in it will show new post.

i’ll start loggin out at end of night and see what happens. :ponder

Yep, lets try that and see how it goes.

You only visit here on one computer right?

correct. by the time, i get time at the shop. i’m on my way out the door.

So did logging out help?

It might be you’re still logged in somewhere, or your computer holds the cookies in a wierd manner.

like how, up to its mouth or something?

it seem 2b fine if i log out but i’ve only done it like twice thus far. i’ll keep ya posted.

this SUCKS. i foregot to long out again.!!! GODDAM IT!!!

I have a feeling your cookies are set to an odd setting.

Harold, next time you login, select “login for X hours” instead of forever. That way it should automatically log you out in that X hours, in case you forget again.

my cookies r set to eat :nod :lol