ok, helping a buddy out with building a turbo kit- :snky: on who that is…anyway, we plotted a bunch of compressor maps and we got it narrowed down to 2 choices where all the points stay on the map without going out of the surge line…the gt30r and the gt35r…heres our plotted maps…which one do you think is a better choice???
P.S. looking to max out around 20psi give or take for track days and more like 14-15psi DD.

oh yeah, .82AR or 1.06AR on the turbine??
It helps if you give us the displacement of the engine in question
as well as what rpm those points are plotted for
it’s for a 2.2L engine and the plots pointed are at 4000rpm and 8000rpm.
my plots show the gt30 being best suited for 18psi(ish)
thats what we were thinking as well, we followed your post on how to read/plot compressor maps to do those and also were leaning towards the gt30…thanks alot zerodaze your my hero…now…which turbine a/r? .82 or 1.06, we are looking for good mid-range to high-end power
i wouldnt go too big on the hot side. an extra 10 ponies up top isnt worth 1000rpm of extra lag, and shitty mid range power.
i also found the gt30r available with the .63 hot side…so would you go that small or the .82 then?
thank you once again zerodaze. +3 imaginary karma for you
No Mike it’s not for me, but I wish it was. The only thing I’m shooting for this summer is to get my car on the road