Help Please!. Driving a car back from Montreal

So I may head down tonight to check a car out. Had some questions for those who have purchased of a dealership in Montreal.

Basically, how do you legally drive it back to Toronto? Sure the ownership will be signed off and transferred but any specific details I should know about? Insurance won’t cover me until I get an appraisal…do I tell them I just need them to temporariliy cover me till I get back in the ON?

I did a quick search and found nothing but I’m working late at work and was just hoping to pop by this thread every now and then…

Thanks in advance.

Get insurance and a temporary permit and drive it… I can’t see why it’d be any different than driving a newly purchased car in Ontario.

do you have access to a truck and car hauler?

100 bucks ill drive

Truck but no hauler. I could check rates for a hauler…I was planning to Megabus over tonight. Would I get a trip permit from montreal as well?

u haul it… rent a truck and a car trailer…

Plates that are in your name for car use and insurance slip for same vehicle. Install on jdm car you bought for cheap. Drive normal.

Get out of quebec nd your fine. Legally in our province you have 6 days to notify the ministry of a recently aquired vehicle purchase. Also most ins companys will cover a claim if the vehcile has been in your possesion according to sale documents for less than 7-14. Overall, your okay.

+1 you get to drive cool car
+1 no pay mad gas for truck two ways and have to rent hauler
-1 getting hassled but let go because thats the rules
-1 getting pulled in quebec and i dont know wat the laws are
+1 learning how to ride the system and use it to your advantage.
+1 get educated via the internets.

I dont care if people say im wrong. Highway traffic act and multiple times being pulled over for years for this and being able to basicslly tell the cop to eat a dick and tell him to go home have proved this works, and is legal. Also, i got in a traffic accident last year where someone hit me, my ins company covered the car. I had the car for 3 days.

Thanks for the help guys! You can lock this.

wheres the pic of this car your speaking of?

^still in the works Season…

wtf is this guy doing LOL:

What is this from? Some kinda wrestling? He grabbed her crotch lmao…

Uhm I’ll drive for you 100 bux too :smiley:

hey after all i can send you a flat bed for this… if you want…

and yes i love my sig… she jumped right on top of his fingers… bitch had it coming…