Okay, for those that saw this thread:
I’ve now swapped out 2/3’s of my brake lines - fronts, and 2 of 4 for the rears.
I’ve now nearly rounded off the nut to the soft line from the main hard line leading back from the ABS box, and I’m out of ideas. It’s been soaking in PB Blaster, and still won’t come free.
I’ve also had the soft line’s retaining clip come apart in my hand, so I’m worried that the whole thing is too far gone to be saved.
Any ideas on how to get the line undone? Or am I stuck getting new brake lines (which will be a PITA to get)?
are you using a line wrench or just a regular wrench? def use a line wrench if you haven’t. And i’d say get some heat on it also.
That’s the thing - my 10mm line wrench was too tight to start, probably because of the rust. I’ll have to try it again, maybe there’s enough of a hex left to work.
flare wrench, some heat, or worst case shudder try vice grips … or get it towed to a shop which might end up cheaper than new lines (my $.02).
g/l man!
get a good set of vice grips lol if that doesnt work…new lines 
Try this Irwin locking wrench:

The non-insulted handle version has a smaller size that will work on your brake lines. Get a flare wrench on the other side.
is it a generic fitting? cut the line and take it out with a socket
PB blaster it alot, tap the side with a hammer to knock some of the build up shit off. More PB blaster till the right size line wrench fits, you need to get the rust and build up junk off, it will loosen up form a wrench under it and round off easy. And if the line wrench starts to flex/open up. lightly clamp a vice grip over the line wrench so it doesn’t spread. try the keep the egde on the fitting, once you round it. Move on to mode 2, just getting it apart fucking up the line the least… cut it behind the fitting, so you can repair it.
Well, it’s done. Vice grips FTW.
Thanks all!