!HELP! swapping STI motor into 2.5 impreza RS

When Shaggy said “Petty”, he meant the Pittspeed username Petty. He has a 2.5 RS with an STi swap. Do a thread starter search on the username Petty, there are pics of his car.


Why are you on here, If you do not even know other members on here.

oh well sorry i haven’t memorized every member. but i’m on here often enough to know what part of the forum i’m in :offtopic: :wackit:

no he doesn’t, its a WRX motor.

we’ve messed around with 2 differnt turbo RS’s. neither of which turbo kits ever seemed to have all of the bugs worked out of them. the overall fitment of the kit was nice, but the fueling that came with the kits was something to be lacking.

Petty’s car is fun to drive with just the regular wrx motor in it


Got lots of people who have swapped the Sti engine into an Rs.