HELP! wastegate leak fix.

Im soooo sick of fuckin around with the external gate I put on my daytona. Took a stock iron log mani and ported the shit outta it and cut an 1.25" hole right under the number 2 runner and got a piece of pipe welded on. Dude did a good job on the mani side but made a shitty flange that he cut outta some steel he had laying around. proceeded to install. bolted on my turbonetics delta gate with a graphite gasket. lasted about 2hrs before it started to leak between the gate and flange. tried a stainless and even a copper gasket. tried no gasket. even tried cooper spray and copper rtv but didn’t expect it to last the 1500 degrees anyways. all would last a short time before leaking. ordered a cnc’d flange off egay. my buddy welded it on. looked promising. NOPE still leaked. tried most of the things stated before, still no luck. Im soooo sick of fuckin taking my turbo off and my exhaust mani and exhuast blah blah all from underneath the car since its under the gay intake on the back since dodge is dumb. I even need to take off the intake to replace the intake/exhaust mani gasket since they are the same gasket. I thought the deltagate might be warped but its freaking cast iron so i doubt it. it leaks right in the middle where its the narrowest unlike the sides where the 2 bolts are. I even thought, fuck im so sick of pissing with this im just gonna get em welded together but then scraped that idea since i would have to take off my turbo and mani to just get the starter out since the wastegate is in the way.

Anyone know where I can take these to get milled, shaved or whatever. My local shop said he doesn’t have the right shit to hold it on those angles.

I don’t want to go back to the intenal gate unported mani setup since i gained at least 20 hp just from this mod due to the stock restriction.


i have used station machine shop in coraopolis. they have milled manifolds for me before. down your way call Savani machine he should be able to do it. if worse comes to worse use an airboard sander and sand it down yourself. have done that in a pinch when you have a slight warp.

Brougher’s Machine on rt51 should be able to handle that. They skimmed my Sk2 manifold a while back.

Just cut that garbage flange off and weld a new one on. I will weld it for you I even have the flange.

sounds like the flange is warping from the heat when welding. put a straight edge across the surface and see how thick of a feeler gauge you can get under the edge. need it to have a warp less than the gasket thickness compressed.

belt sand it down. if the flange is in a wide open area, then a machine shop will f with it. my experience–on flanges that are hard to sand/hold still-- thye wont do.