help with steel building knowledge

i am going to be building a new garage on my property and have decided that with my size requirements i will most likely need a steel building. i am looking in the area of about 30x50 give or take. besides morton buildings which companies make a well built / good quality product. thanks in advance tommy

My neighbor at home builds them…

I can get contact info from him if you would like. Very very hard working man, and a good crew.

Let me know if you need some help on this project. You know I am down.

i will be building this with my uncle and some friends. i just don’t know of what buildings are quality and what aren’t

thank you pat


i will be building this with my uncle and some friends. i just don’t know of what buildings are quality and what aren’t


oh i see… they construct them too… probably not the cost you want…

I can see if he has info about where you can order. I’m sure he priced it out before he started his business up

yeah gotta know if how you can insulate them too, or else you will be paying out yo ass if you want to heat it in the winter.

I have a 12,000 square foot steel building.
Make sure you insulate correctly.
Our building has some serious ice issues.

i have erected (lol) two steel buildings. they were from different companies and were almost identical. 1 had insulation 1 did not i am planning on insulating. if i do not find what i like i will just add on to my existing garage