OK I’ve got him interested. He’s only looking for nicer sound and he wants it to be totally reversible. If he doesn’t go for the Flowmaster cat-back I’m going to tell him to buy a pair of mufflers and have a shop cut out the old ones and weld in the new ones.
Anyone in Buffalo stock 2.5" Flowmasters? I bet I could get him to do it if I tell him to drive up here this weekend (he’s from Crapchester) and we’ll pick up a pair and have a shop out here do it. I know I could get off my lazy ass and call someone, but how much would a shop charge to cut off the old ones and weld in new ones?
tell him to go to DJ Nick @ Autotune Performance (in Angola right off the thruway)… he does great work and he’s a hell of a nice guy (and a mustang guy)