Hi everybody!

Sounds like a fucking awesome service.

Best of luck, I’ll be bringing over mine and the misses econoboxes over when it gets cold, and I have no where to work on the thing…

I’m just a PM away :slight_smile:

Another :tup: to Don, He is always there to shed informational light on many situations. Thanks again!

what was the problem you had?

Don saved my ass today. Installed a new starter in the car in about 2 hours…from me calling him crying, to coming out to look at it, to me driving it out of his shop and taking him out to lunch all on his morning off.

:tup: Don, and thanks 1000 times over.

lol, you’re welcome

gary and don have helped with the nazi sled =) thanks guys :tup:

Don = undercharging, overly detail attentive, fiber eating headbanger.

thanks for lunch :slight_smile:

Don, hit me up tomorrow and let me know whats up.


Thanks for the help!

Thanks for the bump :stuck_out_tongue:

Don is the man. Diagnosed the problem, turned me on to rockauto.com, (which has cheap prices and super fast shipping, BTW) called him yesterday when the parts arrived, he got me right in today and fixed me up.

If your car needs work, and you dont want to, dont know how to, or dont have the means (tools/space) to do it yourself (all 3 in my case), go see Don.


not to be a h8r. but couldnt you of just bumped his thread in the advertiser section…

i started the same thread a while ago when he drove out to hamburg to fix my pos honda!

but ya, don rules :tup:

Good deal guys, there is a 5% off rockauto coupon floating around.

They have great service.

You sir, are welcome.

Don > The Man

I was next in line today after Evolve. Strut party for Don. Good times.
Thanks as always Don. :eekdance:

And good to meet you Evolve.

Just finished the day up. I’m tired.

Yearly bump. If anyone needs anything feel free to PM me and I will get back to you with a quote. :slight_smile: