Hi, my name's Failvis. Even my mom won't play with my penis because of the warts!!!!

more than you can afford pal…subaru!

haha im pretty sure it was more than you could afford…

i made the payments just fine. twas a hefty pricetag but gotta pay to play.
im done with cars though. i got something to get me from A to B.

Ohhh right right… because you were living at home because you couldn’t afford to move out.

lol had priorities mixed up. toys took precedence. now its function over form.

No idea who N0tSlow is, or half of you guys… But it seems to me like N0tSlow is the bigger douchenozzle here.

On a completely unrelated topic, I’ll keep an eye out for those stolen wheels. Wait, isn’t that a related topic? :banghead


Weren’t you riding a bicycle to work for a while? :skid

I stand corrected then that your living at home and working at a slummy car dealership

Well you obviously care about peoples opinions and comments about you since you post back each time. If your such a good guy why don’t you just take the high road and shut up and get lost. It’s pretty clear nobody values your opinion here.

For some reason he loves the Failvis drama and comes on here every now and then to get more of it.


Come on people split this fucking thread. Send the black pot/kettle to the fucking battle field and lets help out one of the good members of this fourm find his shit.

Travis your a fucking joke. I am usually not one to jump on the band wagon of hate, even towards you in the past… but jesus fucking shit.


if that isnt the definition of pot meet kettle i dont know what is. I mean learning form your mistakes and moving on is all well and good, but the trolling you have done here in the last year has proven nothing to very little has actually changed. Fuck I know of 3 places of employment you worked at in the last year and got cann’d from. And saying you have a better job than paul is bullshit. I hope he goes full retard and takes that one to heart. That dude IS getting his shit straight. Sold the mustang and is paying off his debts, and has held a job longer than your STi was drivable.

Fuck, even you somehow gave me a damn headache.

But I’m the tool lol

where dey at?

hahahaha faggot


what in the fuck did i miss.

is she the one that gave him the warts?

The “porn star” (fat chick) or the bacne girl?