High Anticipation! A little late, but still good!

Ah ok I see. So you can get these cards personalized with what ever want on them info wise? As well can we pick a driver face or something like that? As I said, I just like these b/c they are different and I’d for sure take a few :R .

Let me know on this man along with prices.

Thanks :smiley: .

The more you play the game with your personal car the better it gets. In ID, you gain points as you play the game, generalyl more for winning. In Mt its the same thing, you get a bar and once its filled you get to move on to the next mod till you hit 815. Or in MT3s case 820.

In other news i played midnight tune 3 on ps3 today and i loved every moment of it. The realism of it surprised me. Sure its no GT5 or Forza, but it was better than i expected. Graphics are stunning. It wowed me everytime i played. AMAZING im definetely picking up a ps3 once the bbetter generations come out.

Ok first off… MT3 was 2 dollars at Pmall but now its 1.50 it will go down to 1 dollar soon…

second off lovegetty will be getting ID4 and MT3 next week hopefully and he will I repeat “WILL BE ONLY CHARGING 1 DOLLAR!” as far as i know lovegetty is the only place that will have ID4 for now.

thirdly as to what happens to your car when you transfer from MT2 to MT3. it depends.
*Completed all 80 story mode races unshaded you get:

  • 3 MT soundtracks to choose from, Racing Gauge, 820 HP

*Completed all 80 story mode races shaded you get:

  • 3 MT soundtracks to choose from, 820 HP

*With out Completion of the 80 stages you get:

  • Nothing… you have to finish from where you left off in MT2

Oh your battle stars get transferred over to MT3 aswell. Your rims, body kit and race title do not get transferred over. there is a dress up mode where you get different body kits and rims.

um if i forgot anything someone please add info!

you forgot, i’m going to rape this game when i’m back from HK.

What do you mean by shaded?

thats when you use a crayon and color over the squares on the card.