High-Profile, High-End Build Threads = More User Control

Then maybe moderators should do their jobs…

I’m not saying it should be a free for all, but mods can hand out warnings and bans to troublemakers. Then they can edit out BS according to some pre-determined policy. Then we actually get some consistency and a policy that could leave useful information and on-topic remarks in the thread.

You missed the point of this also giving the thread op control over redundant/dumb questions that are already answered and removal of general clutter, not just troll posts.

I like it. If these members are willing to put hundreds of hours into their projects and want to share it with the forum they should be allowed to moderate the BS. :tup:

And lol @ the guy who’s biggest “build thread” was a boost gauge and springs putting up such a stink about it. Even without the shitshow the whole discussion about proper harness wiring would have been better off in a separate thread from the build thread anyway. Builds should be about THE BUILD, not 20 pages of discussion, haters, and nutswingers. If you’ve got a question about part of the build or find something especially interesting, start a thread about it in gen auto. Then when you get 10+ members debating best practices you don’t clutter up a thread that is supposed to be about a specific build.

I was never good about taking pictures when I built my civic, but i did a TON of work on that car. Built it from a completely torn down shell (100% bare) to boosted 100% functioning. I didn’t have the money to make it flawless, but it was huge learning experience and I still love learning about how to do this kind of stuff.

  1. I wasnt even talking to you.

  2. I had nothing to do with this “pedestal”. perhaps you should read two more posts down the page where I said I don’t care if they do this or not? Shit… isn’t that what got you into to trouble multiple times in another thread I can mention?

  3. I have about as much respect for your opinion of my wiring as I do the green goo floating down Ellicott Creek right now. You have still failed to explain how or why its “wrong”, or how or why “you can do it better”. You have ZERO grasp of the problem, yet seem to have all the answers. Funny how when the harness was done, it looked JUST LIKE IT DID FROM THE FACTORY, with all of the right parts for the job, assembled correctly. Yet its all wrong? Gee… you might want to tell Dodge that you dont like how it looked when they built a wiring harness over a decade ago. They will care I am sure.

  4. Stop being so butthurt that you made a fool of yourself and everyone noticed.

I just checked outside and I am pretty sure it’s still summer time. Save this drama for the winter months.

Final GTS, keep building fantastic vipers.

Brilliantyellow, keep building custom ass dubs. I was impressed with that build thread.

Mods, give builders control if they want it, keep an eye on it, and hopefully it doesn’t get out of control.


I like the idea. In all honesty what turned me on to this site was newman’s build. However it was terrible just trying to sift through and find newman’s posts through 100+ pages.

I think it’s as simple as having a main thread and then a secondary thread for people to ask questions or what not. That way you can easily scroll the progress of the build without having to see a bunch of garbage. Then anyone who has a legit question or comment can just use the secondary thread to do so.

IMO; builds threads should be done in a blog format with comments allowed for each blog post but not posts themselves. Much like how certain threads get switched over to blog style for the homepage.

This way comments could still be allowed mostly unedited (simply moderated by site mods) but if they are off topic or critical of the build they are a simple footnote on the actual thread progression.

Not sure why I keep doing this but there is a simple way to do what both of you suggest

Edit the Original Post. Then the entire build will be within 1 post, with all comments/questions after it.

that still becomes difficult to read and sort through. Think of if newmans thread was one page long with hundreds of pictures…

oh I see what you’re saying now…yeah, it might make a bit more sense that way.

I think it is a great idea…I would never moderate my own thread though. I like seeing everyones input.

so why was ls1/fd swap thread closed?

IMO: I think this is great for getting rid of bullshit and letting the user post the legitimately asked questions. tired of seeing the bashing and the people who think they know it all, when they usually know nothing.

My guess is Drew spends countless hours/money doing HIS project and idiots try to tell him what he should do next. I can tell you that he built it for himself. People who know me know why i never did a build thread.
The reason people do builds is to get self satisfaction out of their project, and the bottom line is that if you are building a car like this for Sack-Riding and others approval you are doing it for all the wrong reasons.

No. I think you are wrong. If doing a build is for self satisfaction it would never make it to the internet. It goes on the internet to show off their skills or whatever. Either way, it doesn’t explain why it was closed as soon as the car was finished.

I build cars for the respect…to some people that matters more…

Drew closed his own thread. He’s going to enjoy driving the car for the time being and will update it later.

Unfortunately vB designed the blog function of the forum as an afterthought. It doesn’t integrate well and doesn’t even show up in ‘new posts’ at the moment.

We’re going to stick with threads for the builds.

No one will have the power to edit other people’s posts. They will have 2 new controls:

  • Ability to edit the thread title (Example; “New Pic’s Page 34!”)
  • Ability to soft-remove posts (posts can still be seen by the staff.)

If your post gets pulled by a threads owner and you feel it’s important enough, simply start your own thread based on that post. We can then copy or move relevant posts from the build thread over to your new discussion topic.

And I’ll mention this point again because I think it’s important;

If you want to be a total penis about how you manage your build thread, you’ll sink it and yourself quick. In order for it to be successful you’ll have to promote intelligent discussion.

As I already said;

Also, the mods don’t always know who’s friends with who; who’s just joking around and who’s being a smart ass instigator. On a large forum like this one, the owner of the build thread is more capable of determining this.


The goal of this is to encourage more people to create and maintain build threads. Not to help get;

If this was simply about site traffic & numbers we’d want to KEEP the OT & drama posts. We’d want to pad each build thread with as many posts as possible and encourage BS back-n-forth conversations. That’s obviously not the case.

We’re going to try this out and see how it works. If there is some unseen dire consequence as a result we can always change it back. But at the moment the positives far outweigh the negatives, and the responses in this thread from guys who have or are planing to create build threads only reenforces the argument for it.

Thanks for all the input guys :tup:

I agree with this. I stopped updating my SHO powered camaro thread on NYspeed because the majority of people are shit bags. If you don’t like the project I don’t care don’t read/post in my thread. I still keep other forums updated though. My build thread is 10 pages and probably 8 pages of people telling me to die in a fire for pulling a V8 out of a car that didn’t have a V8 in it when I bought it.

Idk how I missed this. Great idea. Makes me want to make a build thread now

There are def. a lot of cunts on here…