Hit a deer at 80kph - The coupe is fuxxored

Found a video of bing hitting a deer.

that is pretty much exactly how it went down.

is that real?

cuz if so, im super impressed

Is it me or did that dear never come back down.


I was just looking at the car slower, there is more damage than i saw last night, i will not be repairing it.


pics of the engine

motor not for sale anymore… i got a new chassis lined up for it.

looks perfectly fine

doesn’t look like its a lot of damage that will cause a big headach…just fix it!

the front upper apron along the top of the fender is totall crumpled… the door is also wrinkled which means the impact went back pretty far.

the entirety of the rad support is buckled.

it’s cheaper to buy a new car… so i am

she’s still good.

that wouldnt stop this guy:


i love it.

um… i street my car…and it has to look proper.

my name isn’t Jesse Wilks for shit’s sake.

i get enough shit for driving these cars to work as it is.