Just hit a deer

Well, just needed to rant. I decided to go out for a nice drive tonight because I was bored. Went and filled then tank, then headed off for a nice drive through the Pickering backroads. Tonights storm had left a few fallen trees in its wake so I was taking it extra easy. For those of you familiar, I was cruising through the twin rivers area when a deer decided to book it out of the forest. I dont know how it missed my RX8’s HID, but it did. I saw it as soon as it came out, but it was only about 5 feet from my car at the point. I used as much braking as I could and swerved to the left but could only go so far due to the narrow road and the ditch. The deer, obviously dead set on hitting my car didnt let me get out of the way that easy. It decided to keep running and hip check the side of my car and do a belly slide over the front corner, scaping his antlers over my car’s aluminum hood in the process. :evil: After clearing the car the deer casually ran off into the forest, leaving me standing at the side of the road pouting at the damage. Good times. As far as I can tell the deer was fine, I didnt feel anything when it hit the car. And I mean when IT hit the car, cause it ran right into the side of it. My RX8 on the other hand didnt fair as well. The fender is dented in multiple places, and the hood has a nice gouge in it. I cant see much in this light, but the car for sure needs a new fender and the hood needs paint. If only I had been driving the 240, would have given me the excuse to get some over fenders and a carbon hood :wink: . If anyone has any advice they can share about hitting deer I’m all ears. I have never had a claim on my insurance and im afraid this will raise my rates, but by looking at it I think it will be too much for me to fix on my own. Thanks,



Sorry that was the best part of the story.

Deer…ears…deers have ears…nevermind.

Sorry about the damage. I don’t have a clue as to what insurance will do.

Damn that is really terrible, but it could of been a lot worse!

you should still get a CF hood and overfenders…lol

nah dont go through insurance.

i wonder if there are aftermarket body panels yet?

flat black RX8?

Ha Ha, flat black RX8, dont think im gonna go that far. :wink: And yes it could have been a lot worse. I think I got off fairly easy as far as hitting a deer goes. I just checked the car and there is no more damage then what I saw last night, so thats a releif.


Lucky bastard. Not only does he have a nice 240, he also has a nice RX-8…

Oh and I wonder if he did this after the accident:

Nice airbag :o . Mines still intact, didnt get hit nearly that hard :slight_smile: .


Hopefully you won’t have to fork out too much doe. :lol:

doe…a female deer…oh forget it.

Your out of control Never :roll: :wink:


yea, a regular animal.

animal… like a deer… get it? :scratch: :stickpoke:

sorry to hear that man, ffing deers and shit, i drifted around one on the 404 once, except it was already dead so i just had to swirve around in its blood that was on the pavement, either way your gonna have to pay, insurance will only go up and make you pay even more in the end, and the car is fucked, cause of the deer, deer is definately not gonna pay (duhh), so you might as well do waht you can, go the dealership, and get a hood and a fender of that color and replace them :scratch:

I dont know, im thinking I may go the insurance route, they give me one freebee so…?


Say the deer hit you, otherwise its your fault.

Ha ha, actually I did say that, and it did hit me. I had the right of way and it ran into the fender. :wink: I filed a police report today so I guess im going the insurance route. I found a crack in the bumper where the deer slid off the hood, so it for sure is going to cost to much for me to fix.


Dude that sucks ass, I mean at least the deer could have died so you could have had some food for your troubles. Dam animal :lol: . Why did’nt you just drift around him??? :lol:

As for the car and insurance, well you can put a claim in if you have full coverage but most likely it will raise your rates. Insurance companies look for any reason to make more money now adays. Now if you know them, well then you might get lucky and just have to pay the deductable.

You may want to get some quotes from friends or people here to fix it and see if that works out better for you then putting in the claim. It can’t hurt to ask.

Glad to hear your ok though as it could have be MUCH worse.

Take care man.

Easy 8)

Do it right and go through insurance. Then if the job doesn’t get done to your satisfaction, you can bitch and get it righted.

You can get these things from Canadian Tire, they are little deer whistles that you attatch to your car in a spot where the wind will go through them. I had them on my old 240 for 2 years and no problems (I live kinda out in the boonies and drive out there alot so the risk was high).

They are like $5.00 and are clear so not really a visual factor.

That sucks man, but don’t dick around, do it right and be happy.

Thanks for the input everyone. I have decided I am going to call the insurance company tomorrow and put in a claim. Theo23 is right, this car is far too important to me to risk a half ass repair. I was actually thinking about those deer whistles today. I always thought they looked dumb, but they for sure look better then a smashed car :wink: .


I had them hidden inside the little vents beside the signals on the bottom side of the front bumper.

You don’t have to put them on the top of the bumper like the old people do on their Grand Marquis’ Heh. And they have transparent ones now too.