HIV Lane pL0wN@Ge

So I’m driving into work this morning…and if you are from the north, you know merging onto I-279 from McNightmare Road during rush our is a sonnavabitch. Also as you may know, we are presented with choice between the on-ramp OR the HIV lane. Well today there was an excessive amount of traffic on the on-ramp so I thought to myself…should I…(and I’m not saying that I ever have before because that is against the law and very very bad, unless, of course, there is an accident and ‘they’ open it up to everyone, in which case it’s announced on the news/over the radio/etc.)

…luckily I didn’t because there was a state boy standing off to the side of the HIV lane checking each car. As I drove by he flagged down a 3-series then chased him down! owned!!! :rofl: And thats my Friday the 13th morning story. :greddy2:

HIV lane? :bowrofl:


get a blow up doll and put it in the passenger seat.

tinted windows

Hahahah…did you see that guy on the news a while back? They made him stand on the side of the road with a “The HOV lane is not for dummies…” sign! LOL!!! HIm and his blow up doll FTL.

I am equipped but with grey interior you can still see if theres a body in the passenger seat.

good thing i was a little late today cause i saw that guy getting pulled over… as i was driving down the hov lane… by myself lol


pittsburgh’s hov lane is such a waste. they should do it like every other city, and add one lane to each side of the roadway on the far left and let that be the hov.

I saw it too, cept I was heading north, funny shit


I saw a guy pulled over this morning around 7:45-7:50. I was in the HOV lanes and had a passenger. :slight_smile:

Fucking hilarious, I saw it too, LOL

Well, if you travel the HOV lane every day, and only get a ticket twice a year, that’s like $1 a day “get to work unabated” tax for your trouble. Seems like a good deal to me if there’s no points involved…

I started goin through westview to get the hov and avoid all that contstruction on Mcknight…luckily I havent got pulled on the hov