hmmm...Lions on GI ??

My guess is it’s some rich dudes exotic pet that escaped. He probably didn’t have a permit and is hoping it will simply die in the wild and be eaten by other animals.

As far as animals getting to GI, I’ve seen all kinds of animals on Navy Island, including deer. There isn’t a single bridge or house on that island.

That’s fucked up on Saturday, I was walking from the Buffalo Launch Club on the island, which is at the end of Bush, to that bar a couple streets over called Sand’ees, or something, and somebody mentioned it and everybody was getting really paranoid.


Easy prey?


yea word… i know one bitch that i hope gets a run in with the lion

I wouldn’t mind it eating 90% of the people out here.

And who knows, couldn’t it just be a Lynx or something as well? People see a cat over 2’ tall, and will automatically exaggerate its size even more.

most people think a lynx is a big housecat.

Here is the bottom line…the Island is FILLED with chit chatters. mostly stay at home moms/wives, who have nothing better to do than be nosey, gossip or go to yard sales…or go to yard sales to be nosey and gossip. Im sure it was a large stray cat, and word traveled from one end of the island to the other…and by the time it reached the other side, it was a mountain lion.

Grand island is notorious for this.

^^ LOL probably all the inbreeding


Here is the bottom line…the Island is FILLED with chit chatters. mostly stay at home moms/wives, who have nothing better to do than be nosey, gossip or go to yard sales…or go to yard sales to be nosey and gossip. Im sure it was a large stray cat, and word traveled from one end of the island to the other…and by the time it reached the other side, it was a mountain lion.

Grand island is notorious for this.


Thus the reason you can’t go to Tops without someone knowing your business coming up to you and saying something stupid…

Silly telewomans.