Holland Pro Fours Get the AXE

Well I don’t want to choke up FS threads with this debate, so I made a thread.

Discuss here.

its the tracks fault, forcing drivers to run an over priced track tire is retarded

go down the list of track tire divisions that have died.

Lancaster super stocks
Lancaster latemodles
rasomville pro stocks
Holland pro 4’s
theres plenty more, but thats just a few that I’ve noticed in the last few years.

Let people run dot tires and shut up, the cost of the tires are the problem.

When I ran street stocks at ransomville, I was building an asphalt super stock, asked if I could run my car ONCE on dot tires (which would be obviously slower than a god damn slick) offered to run for no money or points, and they said NO. all because of the tires.

Now onto my point, right side tires on the lancaster superstocks needed to be replaced every 4 weeks (if your lucky to not burn thru them) and left sides every 4 - 6 weeks

at over 100$ a tire thats a second mortgage in tires, to race for a shitty purse.

Track tires ruin racing end of story, as race car drivers boycot track tires as often and as much as possible.

Its not even the fact that they’re required to run the slicks… Its the fact that Bennet forces them to buy HIS TIRES. An at $88 a piece, its insane.
I think that they should be allowed to buy their tires from wherever they want.

Onto the Second note… I do think that its kinda f-ed up that he’s practically deleting the Queen Bee division. I love running with the guys in the Hornets but I think that its unfair to those women who don’t like to.
Is it messed up that May Urban won the Hornet championship last year? Not really… She worked her ass off (actually cheated her ass off) but all in all, she earned it. I think way too many guys threw a shit fit because they got their asses kicked by a girl. So Bennet thought that it was only fair to not score us in the Hornet division anymore.


JK, sounds like a shitty run business.

its all about how much money you got. hell for the late model team i crew for. you are SUPPOSED to use your tires for 2 weeks at lake erie. but guys with more money buy them every weekend and obviously have an advantage over everyone else. so even if they didnt make you buy track tires you would still be SOL because you would always have people one upping you running newer better tires etc

but i agree its shitty

Hey I run a Honda…lol
The owner does run it really shitty. When his old man used to run the place it was a blast. There were always people in the stands and there was well over 35 Hornet cars. Now we’re lucky if there’s more than 20 cars out there (queen bees included). There was also 2 or 3 more divisions.