Holy shit, Judge/dad beats the shit out of his kid

Physically abusing is different from a good ass whooping. You clearly didn’t read my post as I said (in a general sense) that a belt whooping is NEEDED these days. I DID say, however, that in THIS CASE, it was NOT.

As for your personal attack…laugh all you want.


Travis, how are those STD scares coming along? Any new ones? I believe it was you who made that thread, no?

Screwing everything that moves is neither healthy nor necessary. I will ‘get some’ soon enough (ETA of next summer or fall when I marry my soon to be fiance if you must know), so please…don’t worry about me. Worry about wrapping yours and keeping it ‘clean’. Would hate to see a thread on here about you contracting an STD thanks to your lifestyle of banging everything with a vagina.

Just sayin.