Honda 954rr or 06 and up GSX-R 750

Which bike do you guys think makes a better platform for a bike thats not a wheelie monster but will still more than gladly come up at 55+. And in general is a better bike. These are the two bikes ive narrowed my choices down to. Give me your oppinion.

i ride a 954 and they are a little bit of wheelie machines, same with the 929…hence stunt riders use them alot. Stop into Rubino Motorsports!!

How much riding experience do you have? You take MSF yet?

Any bike regardless can wheelie relatively easily with an experienced rider on board. Have you looked at 06 + GSXR 600’s? Their really nice

Im comming off a 94 rf900r…I dont really want a 600 of any brand

Have you ridden a 600? I only say it because you going from a 94 900 to something else. A newer 600 would be very close to responsiveness as that 94 900 you had.

Take evokilla’s 600rr for instance(sp.?) seems like a badass machine, and its “only” a 600.

I have not ridden a newer 600 but ive ridden newer 750 and a 1000 so i want more than the 600 has to offer.

Are you trying to be fast straight line or actual turns?

goin fast in a staright line is boring…i love cornering…on my rf the pegs had the grind marks from rubbing them threw the corners in front of GE

So whats the point of a bigger bike if you will be faster in turns on a smaller bike? :ponder :confused

My friend’s '07 R1 is nasty in turns :tong

I dont know shit about bikes, but wouldn’t the R6 be even better in the turns since it’s lighter?

R6 would be better in turns because it’s not like an on/off switch. You can actually go nearly full power into a turn and be able to make it once you’re skilled enough. All that liter bikes do is they are on off switch, either they light up the rear (bad in a turn) or make the front come up (also bad in a turn). Just recently I spoke with a pro racer at the international NYC bike show, and he completely agreed. He used to have a 600, then got a 1000, then sold it for a 600, just because he could go faster, and have more fun at the same time.

The bike is amazing, it’s the rider thats the problem. There are maybe 3 people in the continental U.S. that can actually ride a liter bike to it’s potential, and I’m sure your friend is one of them. There are plenty of 600’s with less riding experience that would walk over that 1000 in turns.

It’s not the bike that will get you going fast in turns, it’s the rider, and the rider will have an easier time on a smaller bike to go faster, so why buy bigger and pay more unless you’re looking for straight line?

is there such thing as motorcycle rice?

You don’t need a 1000 to be fast in turns. If anything, you’ll be able to corner better and go into turns alot faster on a 600 then you would a 1000. There’s plenty of guys i’ve ridden with that are on 1000’s that I keep up with or ride faster then and im on an 05 R6. The bike is way more nimble and easier to throw around.

1000’s are only fun cuz you can crank wheelies in 4th gear without a clutch.

So the new GSX-R 750 seems to be the best bike…It seems to be the bike that will still more than gladly wheelie and still be amazing in the corners.

There is no such thing as “best bike” or there would only be one bike out, there is however a bike that suits you best, and so far I’m not sure that a 750 is right for you.

So in your opinion what is the “right” bike

a 600. I don’t know why your so against them. You can be just as fast if not faster on a 600 then you could pontentially be on a 750. I wouldn’t be so concerned with wheelies yet either. They’ll come after you feel the bike out, besides my 600 has no problems coming up in 3rd gear.