honda accord project

Did i really read you say that the body kit helps when going above 145mph… if so LOL

wow. its just a phase dude, its just a phase. stop spending money on it and in a couple years you’ll thank yourself.

the body kit along with the plating underneath reduces the wind turbulance and reduces the lift affect of high speed, i maybe incorrect but im just sayin i noticed the difference, i aggree that a simple kit wont aid in air flow, however if u coordinate it with other things it can be achieved. and yes, it maybe a phase but however, i like the idea of havin and modin a car that isnt commonly moded. its a sense of originallity,

i dont want to start up a hostile depate, from what ive gathered soo far the best option at this point is to boost the f23, or swap it entirly with an h22…its about 55 hp more than the f23 and it can handle 10psi of boost safly as is…with out goin thru the effort of a tear down and build up…i dont want to go ALL OUT on it, its still gunna be a daily driver after all, i just want to make it “fun” daily driver,…the integra is gunna be the toy

“IM A SPONSORED ROADCOURSE DRIVER AND I USE THOSE SKILLS REGULARLY ON THE STREETS” from your myspace thats just really lame if its true and super sad if you’re making it up

it was ment to be an inside joke between me and sum friends of mine…it would be sweet if it was true…but it isnt

Why does the opinion you preach change every time someone else posts?

Cause I got 1000 posts out of it, and this kid seems kinda lost as to what he wants, Plus I only agreed to h22 swap or Boosted F23, as alternitives to allmotor F23

in all honesty do what you want with the looks, it dosnt do anything for speed but god, they make stock cf hoods, you dont have to get the “evo” hood or what ever that model is.

I’m really going to stay out of this one…



i guess there is just sumthin about havin a plain stock lookin car that annoys me, dont get me wrong i respect a good lookin car and what ever it has under the hood…however i dont want my car lookin like everyone elses…it just feels like im copying off others and i dont want that…i like distinction. idunno i got the info i needed, i guess thats a wrap…i appreciate your opinions, positive or negative…i perfer it when people are honest and not a kiss ass,…perhaps when im bored with it ill drop the body kit

Just give up on the argument. You are starting a fight online that will go 30pages. All you will get out of it is a headache. congrats to having your own opinnion to your car alot of people here are just followers

I think the front end looks like a Cadillac CTS. Just my $0.02. And the rear looks decent, might wanna go with something a little less smoked for the rear tail lights though.


that car sucks

Defiantly was not expecting there to be 4 doors on this car… Far from a “stock look.” Im still not getting the whole “night hawk” thing either…

just lock this one save the time

ew wtf did you do to that cackord

Honestly who cares, you are traveling down a well beaten path, why bother being original. Trying to impress this community would be pointless, especially since the initial platform is an accord. You’ll never get respect for it. If you want to get mad poon go down the path others have tried and tested to work. The girls don’t know better :slight_smile:


LOL, put 10psi through an H22, see what happens. H22 with boost is a bad idea, its got some weaknesses

yea, im not even gonna throw in my 2 cents…

i dont know why but your car seems like it would be an great getaway car from deadly villians and mystical creatures.i find my self wearing a cape and screaming
!!! nighhawk!!! at a full moon