honda question . . .

You just did say something…

whats the matter? u get picked on in highschool?

lol wow yup u got it buddy. your dumb ass friend never got his question answered either about his piece of shit civic

Settle down boys. Don’t make me get the hose. :tongue

You’re going to drench yourself to get them to stop?

I was thinking more like to cool them off and separate them - but your way would probably work too.


I answered his question. Didnt need input from morons like urself.
Thanks punk bitch. Have a Nice Day.

Mods, feel free to lock so bitches stop cryin.

punk bitch huh… this guy needs the last word wow.

What about last work? Oh right, you got it.

looks whos talkin. you just keep on goin.

Now if your a real man, you’ll let it die right now. :thumbup

Lolz @ Nick trying to tough talk Rubino.

yea cossey who is this kid? i would love to see this kid talk to me like that in person. how are your cars?