Hooked an 240 is a fucking liar, again.

everyone thinking they know what i buy/what i do :rofl

All a bunch of know it alls up in this bitch…

if i remember right, they are from goodyear that I set aside, so because u picked them up doesnt mean they are YOURS, also the car will be done (road wise) by thurs/friday so…

anyway, about the rb/built ka/ kat…those for the vert?

um ok… ? anyways trade or sell me your RB

You put asisde?

lieing sack of shit. We pulled up and seem them. loaded into my car, and your like oo someone set them aside. hope they wont get mad. Then i gave the 255’s to you. So STFU acting like you own the place. and you make no sence the way you talk. you combine 63923829 things and put them together as a story you “heard”

Thanks for trying. Guess i shouldnt have stuck up for you between the whole heather vs. you. vs morgan. Dont act tough on here then when i get to your house act like nothing happened. If dan wasnt on, your e-muscles wouldnt be flexing. h.o while i go search for a quote i love.

yeah i own the place…

…also those were 225’s not 255 and you didnt fucking stick up for me in that shit cause it wasnt any of your buisness, you need to tell your fucking psycho ass girlfriend that too

before you start calling people names… you need to know the story. I litterally YELLED at her… if you havent ever heard me yell, its a good thing. I told her she needs to stay out of it. I found out everything bc of her and morgan CONSTANTLY texting eachother and her saying comments of what happened here and there… i told you in the beginning. I DONT CARE about other people relationships… i have enough going on to worry about. Sry to hear about you two breaking up or w.e happened… This is the reason i didnt give you her number. I KNEW this shit would happen. So before you go assuming shit. know the facts.


not pshyco to me + good in bed+ been together for 3 years = idc what people think. k thanks.

so about that junkyard trip that never happended…:rofl

she is psycho around you i dont know how you go a day without hitting her

damn srsly… I ask about a junkyard trip and all kinds of fighting starts… You two sound like 2 old biddies hen pecking eachother.

when am i getting my rims back mr.drifttape…never got a date you always change the topic trying to ignore it like u did a month ago

no i didnt :rofl i said twice in a couple days UNLESS you can mount them quickers. holy fuck…

Thread split, and I’m going to go ahead and undelete and quote this little gem to keep the thread going :rofl

So Jeff, if you have an RB, why wouldn’t you trade or sell it to JerseyFresshhh

Sweet my own thread… kool!

OT but what is your sig from?

my old sig from nico… Guy was making them for everyone… He had a bunch to choose from, so i took this… i have no fucking clue. thought it was halarious.




Jeff owsn an RB
I remember justin/chris saying they saw a receipt for said RB
Jeff brought said RB to dyno at synapse :rofl

Now has a perfectly good 500hp RB and wants to build a KAT :wierd

Junkyard trip that never happend…

RB has dissapeared into the abyss of jeffs dads :wierd

SOmething doesnt add up :wtf

x2 :thumbup