hot chickkkk takes it in the mouttttth


Here’s the episode…

what the fuck.

so what shes addicted to duster or some shit?

thats fucked up people do some stupid shit

she accidentally the whole duster

What a dumb bitch…she just needs a turbo civic not inhalants.

Duster is oldschool. That is straight out of '99 :stuck_out_tongue:

wrd tell that btch to smoke pot

she’s got to have some brain damage by now

get a real addiction

“You ever suck dick for computer duster?”


“She was a pre-med student on her way to becoming a surgeon.” Umm, that’s a pretty LONG way off from being a surgeon. About the only thing you have to do to become a pre-med student is declare.

This chick needs to get a grip.

haha my buddy use to do this shit in the airforce when he was drunk…

he should make a youtube video

im sure if i search there will be something with him in it

OP must have low standards.

I can’t believe that bitch Sue spelled her name out.
