Hot Places for Start-Ups

They did:

"The school has doubled in size during the recession to its current 800,000-square-foot complex. Dozens of nanotechnology companies have established a presence there to take advantage of research facilities and business incubators; since 2008, nearly 50 new start-ups have launched within its walls.

The build-out was part of a state plan, formulated years earlier, to revive the economy in upstate New York. Financing came partly from the state and partly from corporations like International Business Machines Corp. (IBM), which now have offices there alongside entrepreneurs. That means companies can share the cost of equipment and labor—and start-ups get to associate themselves with big names."

This is talking about the Nano complex it self (“the school”). How it expanded it’s square footage, etc. Doesn’t name it exactly, but that’s what it’s talking about.

I don’t like cold weather either. I’d rather it be 90 than 40.