Hot Places for Start-Ups

Hey…someone’s gotta be the pioneer haha. As you said, the return will come later. But it’ll never happen if someone doesn’t take the first step forward. And that definitely doesn’t sound surprising about litho. That’s a BIG deal to get that made. This is reeeaaaal early in the game. I mean all we have right now are, hell, a couple of sorters, cleaners…just from what I’ve seen walking around and what the one ISMI guy I talk to has told me. This is just the latest example of why A.K. and our whole organization is awesome. We have it cornered before it’s even started.

One thing that baffles me is that at some point there will be a fab full of those damn FOUP cart contraptions for carrying 450 FOUPs. Or something lol. Because shit, I’m carrying two FOSBs or FOUPs sometimes, got my laptop under my arm, and my cell phone, going down to the subfab or upstairs, like a boss. No hand-carrying of 450 casettes. Period. Not that anyone should, damn things are massive.

On a side note…is the real big EUV in NFN an ASML? I don’t know who makes that or the smaller one in the Sematech area where I usually am. All I know is the chamber says “Zeiss” on the side and I know ASML uses their optics…I guess probably everyone would right? lol