Hot spots?

I was simply going with the stereotype that you implied i was reinforcing. On welfare…on maury…and usually black. And that wasn’t a know it all statement…it was stating the obvious…and obviously your too busy focusing on one thing or another to realize that. I don’t know it all…never do i give off that i do…as i said once before on this forum…i open my mouth only when i have a general understanding of the situation being discussed…you just have people like yourself who get off when they know a small bit more than the next person. It’s like fucking pre-school, “I know this”…“But i bet you didn’t know this”. There are plenty of others who actually like my “attitude”, my i-dont-give-a-fuck-what-you-think-about-me, and even if there weren’t i still wouldn’t give a shit. Cease and desist