Hot spots?

When you get your GED and don’t need your parent’s permission to be out past 11pm you can rejoin this thread.

Pittspeed didn’t exist when you were 20…let alone that other site that disappeared before pittspeed came along. And reinforcing what stereotype? Lets see…welfare…Maury…is the third one…color maybe? Nah lets not even go there because there are POS’s in every ethnicity, and anybody who stereotypes someone is in that group.

Do you have kids?

No the point is I wasn’t braging about it on a fucking forum like you are trying to get some street cred moron.

As for skin color, I never mentioned the color of your skin and I’m very well aware that there are welfare idiots of all races. Again another “know it all” remark on your behalf thinking I was refering to your skin color. I was refering to your additude in general if you must know. There is getting ass, and then there is trying to act like a hard ass strait pimpin yo attitude. You do the second of the two constantly. Maybe the other hard ass that “always shoots when he pulls his gat” and you could have a showdown, that would be really really cool.


I was simply going with the stereotype that you implied i was reinforcing. On welfare…on maury…and usually black. And that wasn’t a know it all statement…it was stating the obvious…and obviously your too busy focusing on one thing or another to realize that. I don’t know it all…never do i give off that i do…as i said once before on this forum…i open my mouth only when i have a general understanding of the situation being discussed…you just have people like yourself who get off when they know a small bit more than the next person. It’s like fucking pre-school, “I know this”…“But i bet you didn’t know this”. There are plenty of others who actually like my “attitude”, my i-dont-give-a-fuck-what-you-think-about-me, and even if there weren’t i still wouldn’t give a shit. Cease and desist

Um Maury as in “who’s the daddy” episodes which goes along with your bangin bitches comment.

Ever think maybe you are too focused on your own skin color and are quick to think others are “being racisit”. I can’t help nor do I care that you are black, yet the first rebuttle out of your mouth to my post you were the one using the racial slurs.

never said anything about you being racist, thats just how you took what i said. another misinterpretation on your part. I’m mostly native…not “black” not by a staggering amount but still. Trust if i wanted to whine about oppression and racism I would have plenty of fuel, but thats not my M.O., My skin color simply means i look better in the summer than you :wink:

Don’t call me shag. I’m not your friend…

Guess that makes you dishwasher.

First im not getting a GED because im going to get a high school diploma 2nd only my car has to be in at 11 not me so im going to rejoin the thread.

But honestly i mean this from the heart i appreciate your concern:rolleyes:

is Sight and Sound and Shaggy brothers because there both first class assholes :finger2:

this is one of the best threads ive ever posted in lol :bigok:

Make it your last :lockd:


Some of you take yourselves WAY too seriously…no names or anything.

Shag > u

:stupid: :rofl:

Correction dingle berry, I Do HAVE a truck, its just not on the road…:smiley:

…and it never will be. :smiley:

If you don’t take yourself seriously…who will?

In before the :lock:

oh…slowcivic…shaggy isn’t an asshole…he’s just waaaayyyyyyyyyyyy out there…he’s good people

i wouldnt doubt for a minute he wasnt good people everyone on this forum is good people just some better then others

eh…i wouldn’t go as far as to say that now…

idk maybe my skin just isnt as thick as others lol

Set yourself on fire, prove it.