Hot spots?

ill only do it if you take the pics and post them on pittspeed

Dingleberry? thats what hangs off an ass. you’re brian’s dingleberry :smiley:

If you don’t take yourself seriously…who will?

That’s true, but there are limits to everything. Besides, I wasn’t talking about you anyway. :smiley:

dude if you want to meet some chick to hook up with now and then go to a club like matrix or krobar… if you want a classy slut then bring alot money and go to prive… you want a good girl meet them @ church… they are usually very nice but really bed wores… but watch out those ones may turn out to be alittle clingy after awhile… may have to beat them away with a stick… its hit or miss kid when it comes to girls… just enjoy life and dont take girls to serious and you’ll make it out alive

wow… there are a lot of fuckups in this thread.

yeah… "if you want a classy girl bring a lot of money "


:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

just whoring thru… nothing to say because i stopped reading along time ago

WOW did i really say that… gezz my old ways must have been bad lol. but they worked

i do think i said classy slut… lol

:bigthumb: agreed.

this comment is why i love you so much mikey!


the “class” level is no higher…just the wallet size expectancy. lol notice how all the “classy” girls dont have pockets or a purse? thats bc they spend all their money on make up and high end clothes to make yall think they are brought up well…and so yall buy them drinks all night. thats not class, thats abusing the system.

if im gonna bother abusing the system im gonna get more than a free drink and 10 min in bed with a guy that smells like an ashtray.

um no thanks.

I can give you 5 hours in the bed and the smell of an ashtray. but then again your probably not up to my standards.

I’m a young, ugly lookin Male with no morales. Making minmum wage, drives a pickup truck, and posts on the interweb. Seeking a Female who looks half decent, with big tits. For 5 minutes of pleasure, possibly more.

Call me on my friend’s phone.

Just whoring though…

what page are the pics on?



club zoo