Hot spots?


#1 spot for meeting women is the Cricket Lounge in Pittsburgh’s scenic East End. If that fails, I know for a fact that lots of nice young women congregate around Formosa Way in Pittsburgh’s Homewood district.

what are morals? bar skanks ftw.

Yeah…my cousin met his wife at a bar. They have 2 kids now…though some of us aren’t sure if the second one is actually his…yeah…stay away from the bars.



thank you for restating everyone’s point. this only confirms it.

truthfully what normal guy wants a girl with “morals”…
girls with “morals” wont let you stick it in their ass, will frown at every attempt to get a BJ, and will never take a position other than missionary on your bi weekly conjugal visit to the bedroom, ending in a few ewws and ahhs, just in time for you to dump your load and fall asleep so she can pull out mr battery man to finish her off the way shes used to it, her way. ( not speaking from experience here…)

well of course, other than the receipt, theres no proof that you have that blow up doll still, aside from the inner tube patch kits you been buying in bulk, and its hard for a rubber doll to obtain a sign in name for PITTspeed, although their conversation would probably be more informative, and interesting than most of the other posts here.


lol i love you chaz!

oh…and not all girls with morals are like the above comment. (wink wink)

I’m both intrigued and disgusted by this



we know each other outside of pittspeed…so i’m going to say this and know that you won’t take it seriously.

You club hop…so implying that you have morals via “wink wink” is total bs…and the whole “dancing is better than sex” are you fucking kidding me?! i still think your nuts on that one…i don’t know but i’m sure myself and the rest of the guys on here would like to take a plunge into some wet cooter than go around dancing with random people in some funky ass pittsburgh southside/station square club :smiley:

coming from you…i wont take that serious. and ill agree with your comment compairing wet cooter vs club scene…

but thats why i dance and you f*ck. :smiley:

well i wont take that personal bc I did get your mind moving…which is not easy to do,

and since youve never been on this ride, you really have no reason to be disgusted. out side of your screen you know nothing about me.

when and if you do…you can judge me all you want. :kiss:

Glad I never had to worry about going out and finding women. Met my wife in highschool and have been together since. May not be the way most people meet their spouses, but it did make life a lot easier and I wouldn’t have it any other way looking back on things.

I still pick up chicks at the food court at south hills village…since 1994…still a great place…I get older and they stay young…haha


i got two things out of this…one, you obviously don’t know steve very well. two, is it the standard $0.25 they charge for kiddie rides?

ya but they are funny and no im not posting pics and no she doesnt have a sister


hey peanut boy i bet you suck more dick than she does

:rofl: pics of whore?